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Deena Elgo

Height: 177
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Yellow
Weight: 33-2

Adopted from an early age by the modest Elgo family, it is rumoured even to this day, that she was originally of noble origin. Like most, the path that led her to eventually serve in the Hand is shrouded in rumours and speculations, but she is the first Human woman to do so – and that alone is quite the feat.

With her raven hair and yellow eyes bordering on orange, she has proven her worth time and again and while being extremely capable of felling most opponents in combat with her agility and her speed – her main weapon of choice being the whip – her main importance lies elsewhere.

Her most notorious skill lies in linguistics for, after showing a clear aptitude, she has been trained from the very start to speak any idiom; this includes even the ability to translate the ancient Centra texts just as easily, if not more so, than most reputed scholars.

This ability alone makes her an invaluable member of the team but there is much more to her. Deena can also be seen, frequently, as the calmest and most collected of the four serving under Dhanel Marce.

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