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The Centra technology would make the world a smaller place, as through it the tribes not only began negotiating among themselves, thus giving birth to the one tongue, but they would also learn to build great many things. The skills of bow and spear were replaced with much better weaponry, villages became cities, and much of the animal power was replaced with machinery. Small boats, in time, became ships and later these too, would be for the most part dropped as soon as the first airship took to flight, and the skies proved to be much safer routes.

However, amongst all this growth, the seeds of fear and paranoia, of distrust for the other races were also growing just as much, if not more so, than the seeds of joy and illumination. All it took was the sheer thought of what any other race could be after and what would they do if they obtained it, for all to succumb to despair. The newfound freedom and safety the world had been blessed with were thus not meant to last.

Turn on each other, they did. The more advanced, the further ahead in this arms race a civilisation was, the bigger the shadow they would cast upon the rest. The race began in this manner, propelled by fear and thirst for power with the two biggest offenders being the Kingdom of Man and the Nharkim.

These two, somehow, quickly distanced themselves from all and for many years they were almost on equal footing. Then something happened. The Nharkim took the lead and ever since then, they were ahead of any other. For many years these two empires waged war on each other until finally the Nharkim suddenly decided to leave the continent they all shared and settle themselves on a large archipelago to the East.

They left without any announcement and have not been seen since. Not quite...

Naturally, it was the Humans who inherited the large landmass quickly renaming it "The Celitian Continent" after their own capital "Celitia City".Years passed and most of the other races that shared the continent began to scatter as the Human Empire kept on pushing them till there was no more land for them to run to.

Humans expanded and everything else diminished. Generation after generation, the more humans were spreading the more and more could other races be seen in their cities, free to live as they deemed fit. They still had their very own towns here or there, but these were growing scarce and so, for the most part, every other race could be seen much like today in any number of Human settlements. Earning an honest day's work or drinking their lives away much like Humans love to do, for they have always shared equal rights.

Still, for all this, many dislike the race of Man for "absorbing" everyone into their kingdom, slowly making other traditions and values disappear. So sometimes it is dangerous for Humans to come across other, more "hateful" races.

Nowadays occasionally, one comes across a nonhuman town that is exclusive to their own kin. Not in the main continent at least, where the Humans have long taken over and their laws are enforced pretty much everywhere. 

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