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"How far are we from that mountain?" the captain of the Hand asked while looking at the rest. "We will soon be flying over Brosse..."

"Is there no way she can bring us any closer?" the captain's right hand already waving to the rest as an indication to make themselves ready "Sheiska?"

"No sir, I don't... God darn it... all..." a louder sound than usual was heard this time coming not from the speaker box but the pilot's cabinet. "I guess not..." the captain murmured... "Sorry sir... lost the reading on the instruments for a while there" things resumed to just how bad they were previously "So what say you, captain?"

"It's not like we have much choice," the captain looked behind him and saw the other four already fully prepared and waiting "open it up for us when you are ready."

"Aye, sir..." the sound of a heavy lock was heard as mechanical noises capable of distinguishing themselves, even with such a storm running rampant outside, were heard heading to the back of the aircraft. Their eyes followed and then the way for them to jump unfurled. "Sir I would strongly advise for a halo jump with this nasty weather and all."

"Alright you heard the man..." the captain's words placed all five in a single file "We dive straight down to get away from these clouds as fast as possible and once we are in the clear I will signal you all to deploy the parachutes. Now gear up and let's go. Rhim, you go first."

"I hate this part."

"Aw come on Deena;" said the one assigned to go first, "it is as I always say. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. You just have to accept it as it is."


"Hope all of you brought your raincoats..." he added before taking that first jump.

"Captain, I will be waiting at the extraction point by sunrise..." a small pause and a bit of silence from that box, not even the slightest static. "See yous' all there."

"See you there..." the captain jumped off last, he dived straight into that storm much like the four before him and one by one Sheiska saw them disappear into those thick clouds, all of them impressively connected by rumbling thunder...

Sepia like clouds as massive as anyone can ever hope to find that always carry with them this constant anger, this hatred towards something that they always admit with unceasing displays of energy. Constant and even more impressive discharges of lightning and rain that knows no drought! Standing against all this, are now five minuscule and darkened figures freefalling with only the closest lightning flash now and then being capable of revealing more of them. Despite it all, they seem calm, even gracious at times, as they keep on descending, their bodies swinging and dodging any danger heading their way. Their masks protect them from any outside sound and the technology within them, albeit struggling, is enough to get the word around.

"Alright... wait for my mark..." the captain speaks to all of them "Any minute now..."

Buried PlanetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ