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"Right behind you boss." Slow but certain, wet heavy steps began moving those two through the muddy and forgotten streets. They walked their way towards the main square confident that's where the rest of them would be waiting. One behind the other, each one looking at those empty streets with eyes of their own and absorbing what they chose, each at their own pace probably trying to collect what they deemed important enough to be noticed or remembered later. When they finally arrived, there was only one of them waiting; with the curves of an elegant female form defining the gear covering her and tuffs of black raven hair protruding from that mask. "Deena..." said Rhim as he stepped from behind the captain... "No sign of the others?" and as she asked the last two also made their appearance. With all five now gathered in the centre of this ghost town, they just stood there for a few seconds, staring at what was around them and at each other, and then one of them looked up. A moment passed and then that gaze returned to all of them. The mask opened partially, just enough to reveal the most important. Another female but this one with something special hidden in those big, pale eyes of hers. Her eyes now locked into all of them... "It appears our forms of communication are weakened." she is Celle the other female in the group, one with generous shapes that her vestments have problem concealing and a particular staff resting on her back. Her mask might muffle her voice somewhat but cannot diminish any of her pride and ostentation. "As it is, we can barely communicate amongst ourselves."

"Whatever happened here not only severed any means of reaching those up there but apparently being able to reach anyone in this entire region..." Deena slides open her mask just enough for her yellow eyes to contrast against all that dark. "Meaning we are cut-off from the Bolt Lander. So, what next?" asked the one with a tattooed face. "This alters little. We continue as planned." the captain kneels "We head for the top of that mountain." His left hand grabs a bit of dirt and then after rubbing it between his fingers he drops it, and as he is contemplating that rain hitting his glove, he says, "And don't let too much of this falling poison hit your skin, just in case..." he stands up once more "It is likely harmless, but better to play it safe – I mean just look at this place..."

"Saddle up..." with Celle's words their masks closed once more and with all of their gear readjusted and their weaponry at the ready, they began crossing that decrepit town. In a single file they marched and their steps, while carefully placed to avoid any of those larger puddles scattered around, were always hastened by the distance standing between them and that mountain. All around them, creepy creaks and other more unfamiliar sounds were constantly being birthed, but none of the five ever got side-tracked. The rain didn't help either but steadily they kept pushing on; five figures united by duty and determination, five with so much history behind them.

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