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Equal rights for the price of equal duties. Of course, on other more uncharted and undesirable masses of land, who knows who or what makes their kingdom there. Despite all, nothing has changed, and no hunger has been lost as most races still fear one another. Most still compete with one another, fiercely as each one seeks that Centra gift that might just give them the edge.

From the greater empires to the smaller tribes living underground or in swamps, all around the world, across any landmass where there is smart enough life, someone is pursuing those Centra secrets. To sell to the highest bidder or for the glory of their own race, the search is never-ending. It has been like this since this Era started and it is this way even now.

And such unravel of this world's decline shows no signs of slowing down, as especially the Humans, keep on wanting. They alone hold the majority of all the greed and all the fear that infests the world in these dark times, as they keep pushing fiercely for the monopoly of all the Centra market. The acquisition of all Centra findings for which the Human king is willing to do anything for, either paying for them handsomely or by taking them by any other means if need be.

As it has been for generations, the Nharkim remain by far the most advanced race, by quite the margin as anyone can tell just by looking at their city from far away – their greatness is known to all.

No other civilisation at this time can even come close to competing with them, and so his majesty Hervies the current Human king must push even more. He is ruthless and carries much fear in his chest, more than any other ruler before him, and if his heart is tight, the borders of his scruples extend far and wide.

There is nothing that the almighty Hervies will not do for his ambitions.

The feelings of admiration and awe, of respect and fear towards anything Centra, have long been replaced by folly and greed, by petty and misguided ambitions. Perhaps nothing shows this better than the Human king's efforts in his perpetual quest for his race to take the front seat. He and all under him have been doing whatever is deemed necessary to not fall behind for generations. Hervies is just the next in line of a long succession of rulers living in constant fear of what the Nharkim could do at any time. But something makes him different however, and no other king that has come before him has gone as far as he is willing to go. No other Human ruler before him has had so much pressure felt upon his crown either.

The Nharkim technology seems to grow almost exponentially, improving almost by the day and soon who... even now, can guess what they could be scheming? The necessary measures must thus be taken even further than that, such as the constant deployment of all sorts of scavenger teams to all the known corners of the world in desperate attempts to try and uncover more Centra property. All in the hopes of finally unveiling some of their biggest secrets, something that could give the Humans the necessary advantage to at last take their place as the most powerful in all the lands. Hervies holds nothing back when it comes to achieving this; he is well known even by those outside his race, as a ruler with complete disregard towards anyone's welfare and how much it might all cost. Time and again he has proven that he is more than willing to pour any amount of funds, and he has no restraints in raising taxes either to do so.

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