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That small gesture that opened the way for what would define our world to this very day, the Era of Pursuit began, the moment a member of the small and meek tribe ofTwinkledinnes, one of the tiniest races one could ever hope to meet, decided to venture forth into one of the forbidden zones. Any area where Centra remnants were known to exist were best avoided – a taboo.

What was the motive that drove such a small creature?

That is now lost to us, dissolved in the ebb and flow of time but the result of such an action defines all things today. Into one of the Centra ruins that Twinkledinne went and when he came out, he did so with something in his hands. That very moment, where this small creature showed there was not only nothing to fear from those areas but there were also rewards to be picked up, that was when this Era truly began.

Word began to spread, and the veil of fear and superstition was lifted. All tribes, in time, came to learn that there was nothing to fear from venturing into Centra territories. No longer were these Centra remnants cursed places, to be feared and avoided for either religious reasons imposed by most tribes or the mere common sense of the passing traveller. No. Now anything Centra was a place to be actively sought out and where fortune could be found. One by one every tribe of every race got into this, offering handsome rewards to anyone presenting them with anything made by Centra, even to those outside their own race.

And so, greed was ironically enough, the will that broke any previous isolation and made most embrace outside relations. But what brought all the races together would also tear them apart. At first, most things were bought and sold as decorum, but as time went on and the races kept evolving and learning from these finds, their value and their importance kept increasing.

From the study and learning of these Centra finds, most races began evolving, building, finding cures for the sick and easier ways to withstand the cold storms. It became obvious to all that this was their future, that the finding of more and more Centra technology, or anything concerning it, was their new path.

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