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All five of them are now dropping like they did so many times before and their leader looks back to get a quick glimpse at the Bolt Lander one last time. He stared at it for a moment, only the fibered veil of his mask standing between his eye and that ticket home. It too would quickly disappear into the clouds above and he then turned his attention to the others below him, to their bodies swinging either to the left or to the right as they dodged the white flashes of lightning, and all this while freefalling between all the rain and the storm that births it. Something that would repeat itself for quite a while, and these manoeuvres that are not without grace are also owners of a silence of their very own. Then the first sightings of land were bestowed upon all the eyes behind those masks. All that thunder and fury might have begun to let them go but the rain will still escort them for a long time.

"Ready to deploy on my mark..." the captain's voice cuddles their ears once more, "In three... two... one... Mark!"

Their diving formation then assumed a more aggressive stance for a moment, one that always precedes the relief that is about to come and is meant to gain more distance between all of them. One at a time their suits began to reveal linear glows throughout. Some kind of purple and red patterns of an almost neon nature covered the majority of their armoured bodies and then, after producing some sort of electrical field around each one of them that is actually the reason for their spreading, some slick and silk-like red elongated cloths sprouted from each one of their backs and arms. Six stripes, three on each side and all coloured in dark reds jump from where their shoulder blades should be behind all that armour and their elbows only to attach themselves quickly to their calves. Each one of the falling bodies immediately slows once these sorts of one colour rainbows are fully deployed. Their descent became gentler and even, if only for a short while, allowed some personal time to breathe before getting right back into it. Such peace lasted about a minute, possibly slightly more and then impact was finally made...

One at a time their feet arrived and finally contacted Brosse's soil more gently than one would ever expect. Landfall was made quietly as it usually is, but the weather of this region has brought them no closer than what they were expecting. They found themselves separated but not by much; one landed here and the next just over there.

It was dark and muddy all around them and the storm above the entire region has them soaked already, but none of this is of any concern to them. Each of them had to walk a very hard long road to get to the position they now occupy, and it didn't get any easier after doing so. That was when their real training began and continues to this very day. Neither storm nor mist, not even the unruly howls in the darker corners of this haunted town will make a dent in their determination.

This thick mist is certainly not natural, nothing here is, but it will not deter them, and so one by one they recuperated from their kneeled stances and once they found themselves back up on their feet it was time to gather. Their eyes widen and the sound of each impact gave them all a good indication of where each one of them should be. Ahead of them now, much like every day for the past few years, await the forsaken streets of Brosse with mostly the sounds of rushing winds and desertion to greet them.

"We have successfully made landfall..."the captain tries to reach the Bolt Lander as soon as he got his bearings but to no avail. "Sheiska?"

"No use huh?" asks an approaching ally, the one who jumped first. "No." the captain takes a good look around "Seems we are completely cut off Rhim..."

"Great..." this one says while checking all of his equipment. "Guess we will have to do our job without old Sheiska's incessant ramblings." The captain pats him on the shoulder "Come now, let's find the others."

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