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For only death of a member, or a great deed that subsequently allows the option to retire, being the only known ways of leaving this Hand. The only ones officially permitted anyway, and despite the always dangerous nature of their missions, neither one of these occur frequently.

Worthy of notice is that despite being well known as a despotic ruler across all topics when it comes to these Centra matters, King Hervies is the most flexible and he will not be denied any form of advantage. There is no racial bigotry when it comes to asserting any vantage point in his favour. There was none, back when he first took the throne and there is none today.

Both soldiers and technology alike at his disposal, aren't always confounded by borders as even now, his scouts all over the world still bring back all sorts of "wannabe candidates" from whatever race, to train and, if the need arises, replace any loss the five might endure. Always a somewhat reasonable number are discovered every year with potential, but so few make it through all the extensive tests and notorious training, and the few that do are then promoted to only endure even more training and more meticulous tests for years to come. What sorts of trials these chosen must undergo and what kind of achievements are demanded from them, very few can tell.

But one thing is certain; Hervies Hand is of notorious fame for every plebe and peasant, anyone anywhere knows that whoever makes it into the unit, is part of the very best.

And so, each one of the four here now staring their captain Dhanel Marcein the face are singular in their ability to overcome adversity and their quality has surpassed the harshest of all expectations...

There have been few replacements in these last ten years, with the last one taking place exactly one year ago to this night, and the one that joined has since gained the others trust and appreciation as is always the case. All the exhaustive tests and trials over the years do not allow for any mistakes or underwhelming performances and so any loss, no matter how seemingly great, is always recuperated.

Five they always are, his majesty seems to prefer that number even though sometimes a bigger number, or smaller, would be preferred but King Hervies seems to be a man of... tradition... and so as it has been the case for the past year.

The five fingers of Hervies presented here tonight are...

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