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Harigar Rhim

Height: 184
Hair colour: White
Eye colour: Pale Blue
Weight: 46-4

Completely dressed in black and with tattoos of the same colour all over his face that so strongly contrast with his white hair. This extraordinary swordsman entered these elite ranks years ago and he did not do so at a young age.

He was already a fully-grown man when he came to the castle to volunteer himself.

He originates from the tribal village of Naruun, deep within the vast deserts to the south where tattoos, and other more ritualistic expressions, are a tradition. The ones on his face are proud symbols of a successful rite of passage and while usually such brands are forbidden within the Human military branch, his skill was such that Hervies simply could not pass on it.

As for weaponry, he favours but the one: a thin-bladed sword holding the powers of lightning and one which he is most skilled with! His somewhat elongated fingernails on the hand that wields it are a testament to his abilities, but his skills as a swordsman are not his only strength. Harigar Rhim also has the ability to understand and pick apart any known piece of technology. He has even been successful when paired against Nharkim tech making him not only one of the best soldiers but also one of the best engineers any team could ever hope to have around.

Any life he might have previously owned is now shrouded in mystery – could he have been someone important prior to joining?

A prince or a thief perhaps? Did he come seeking, or running?

A story for him alone to carry.

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