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Nothing about them let alone any intent, and that only pushes Hervies further.

Years kept on passing and the world kept on changing. So different it is now than what I used to remember; the voice of this planet can no longer easily reach up to me and the nights are no longer rich. Stars no longer spark above and no longer do they carry the hopes and dreams of those staring at them from down here with growing eyes. The nights are just really dark now, sometimes completely black even and in some places not even the once shinning moons

Nothing about them let alone any intent, and that only pushes Hervies further.

Years kept on passing and the world kept on changing. So different it is now than what I used to remember; the voice of this planet can no longer easily reach up to me and the nights are no longer rich. Stars no longer spark above and no longer do they carry the hopes and dreams of those staring at them from down here with growing eyes. The nights are just really dark now, sometimes completely black even and in some places not even the once shinning moons

can be seen. Instead, large and heavy clouds growing ever dark patrol the skies not caring if it is either the sun or the three moons behind them. Forests carry these weirdly aggressive sounds with them as they grow with all kinds of sinuous trees and other, more distorted, types of vegetation.

Poison can now be easily found and touched in the green fields around larger cities and predatory beasts are known to grow way outside their supposed limitations. The world is now a most dangerous place to be outside the safety of larger walls for those that are forced to travel as they seek refuge, all the while talking nonstop about the wild growths.

As they keep on claiming that the many savage shapes of green are quickly retaking the lands once owned by them. People all over the Human continent are steadily being forced to abandon their homes and join the rest of the populace in the main capital as their villages are being overrun by growth and sometimes even wild beasts. They arrive in the cities with tales of once-fertile farmlands, now just destroyed fields. Entire villages were covered in poisonous moss and their houses were torn apart by large trees who reached full size in but a few days.

But no matter their complaints, both king and nobles alike are busy. None have the time for these stories or any other for that matter, for there are more Centra remains to be found and power to be obtained. If the mention of Centra is not part of your sentence you are not getting the attention of anyone with the required importance. All that the former masters of this world left behind has elevated the world and its inhabitants to higher places, but it has also brought them all down severely. What was originally supposed to be used for good and prosperity, to bring us all closer together has instead stained all civilisations and separated every other race with greed, thirst for power and above all, fear. The Centra's influence and power in a way are, ironically, felt even more now that they are gone.

Gone but still they live among us, as every day one cannot escape the use of something that was taken from them or learned from something they left behind. Even more, the fear and powers they left behind take over all of us. They have mysteriously departed this world but are with us always, for one cannot keep an eye open without stumbling in something of their making. Not unless one is roaming the wilds completely alone and even then, some trees I swear just look weird...

So no, neither his majesty nor those directly under him – slaves to the Centra more than any of us – have the time to consider such things for there is the most important of competitions to be won after all. In their minds, it is a competition that will surely determine the fate of all things in this world and propel its winner to the master of all. This ever-lingering feeling, this sense of urgency has been growing, increasing, swelling until finally, it reached its bursting point. This load, coupled with the blindness of their greed, has been pressuring some of the most powerful into sudden decisions lately...

...that is why this story begins...

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