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Lorian Kross

Height: 182
Hair colour: Pitch Black
Eye colour: Green
Weight: 45-4

Found a few years back as the sole survivor of a burning village to the West by veteran soldiers stationed in a nearby garrison. As reports go, the men spotted the sudden, tall fires from afar and came as fast as they could, but by the time they got there they found nothing but charred stones and burnt pieces of wood.

Corpses of animals and farmers too, plenty of them, laid strewn across the streets and rundown houses.

Still, following the mandates of duty they scouted and searched without hope with the ever-gnawing doubts always on their minds... questions like...

What were they supposed to do? How were they to report this?

Thoughts swirling inside their heads, but then all of that came to a stop when one of the men ahead began to repeatedly shout something – a survivor?

Impossible, and yet it was true.

They all ran to meet him; a confused and naked young man sweating profusely, without any clothes or memory, his body so cold to the touch. Thus, the quiet survivor was brought back to their garrison. They tried to question him while waiting for instructions from the castle, but one can only go so far with a man without voice or memory. By direct word of his majesty, he was to stay a few more years in that garrison, under the tutelage of captain Krass who was to instruct him in all sorts of ways until the time would come for him to be brought to the castle. As for the reasoning of such a mysterious fire, no concrete answer was ever found – those that were witness to it reported it as they saw it. In time most learned to toss it up as the doings of a phenom* or something else of an uncanny nature.

Due to his time under Krass's tutelage – the man who would also name him – Lorian, developed many skills before he was summoned to the castle: he is a master tracker the likes the Hand never had, he is also an expert on biology and botany, as well as most capable of crafting, and healing, most known poisons.

In combat, he favours the usage of light armour sacrificing protection for a higher speed of movement much like Harigar Rhim, but unlike Harigar, Lorian is not a straight-out swordsman. Instead, he relies on a curved blade named 'kagra', a weapon that was usually paired with a buckler but now one very seldom seen as they stopped being produced since the last war.

When not hiding his face with a hood, Lorian displays short black hair with a few brown stripes in front that are longer than the rest, a somewhat stern face despite his relative youth and a pair of determined green eyes.

He never speaks; his voice was never once heard since he was found, never a word and whether this is by trauma or by choice, is to this day still undetermined.

*Phenoms are massive creatures usually believed to have been once mere animals, that just got too close to certain Centra remnants. Their massive bones can still be found without too much trouble, just by venturing into more forgotten landscapes; but as for a living and breathing phenom, well, those can only be found in scarce rumours and usually from lesser tribes in faraway places. Officially little is known about these rare creatures, but they do of course awaken the interest of many men of science. There is even the skeleton of one such colossus on display, in the main Human Museum, and it is as big as a house of a noble. But to even suggest it could have been one of these colossal creatures, the thing responsible for what happened the night young Lorian was found... no. Those are merely desperate attempts to bring back some peace to the victims.

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