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"They're walking in now, Don. Six men so far, not including any that they have lingering around," Cameron say's nonchalantly, sipping his drink as if we're having a conversation about the weather.

I watch as the men walk through the front door, analyzing each and every one of them. Little bitches. Once I reach the back of the group my eyes still for a moment. That little nurse from earlier strolls behind them. 

I sit up a bit straighter, cursing to myself.

"What is it?" Matt asks, trying to find where my eyes are looking.

I watch her as she sits at the bar, careless and naive. She just walked straight into a shit show and has no idea.

"Is that the nurse from earlier, shit what was her name, S-" Cameron starts.

"Scarlett." I confirm. I think back on my conversation with Kemble, shaking my head a bit. "She's the backbone of our hospital. She needs to be protected. Matt-," I nod my head for him to handle the situation. I watch as she walks towards the bar, the dull aura of stress still highlighting her flushed cheeks.

"You want me to, what? Babysit the nurse while you all fight the Terraze's?" He looks at me baffled.

My lip lifts a bit, irritated at his blatant disobedience. "Yes, Matt. I want you to babysit the woman who is response for saving dozens of our men and probably ours one day. Is that a fucking problem?" I growl out. I've never been keen on back talk, or any disobedience for that manner. It plucks a nerve deep in my core repeatedly until I snap.

He sighs, sitting here for a moment as she gets on the dance floor. Annoyance dances in his pale eyes, his right eyelid twitching as he battles the urge to combat my demand. He glances to me once more, checking to see if I am serious.

"I'll do my best," he mumbles as he stands to his feet, noticing that I'm not budging.

I watch as he walks down the steps, slowly making his way towards Scarlett and her friend. She grinds on her friend lazily, her sweater covering most of her body. She appears so carefree. You would never know, just by looking at her, the amount of gore she faced today. Her sweater comes up her back a tad as she bends over in front of her friend, her smooth skin barely noticeable. I watch as Matt approaches her, his persona completely falsified.

Matt has always been extremely intelligent in the manner of pretending to be everything that he is not. For most, he's impossible to read. A book of jumbled up letters that have no clear interpretation. I knew that the bastard was furtive when he infiltrated a rival mafia in only three days time, coming back with enough intel that we eliminated their entire cartel a bit short of a week later. 

I watch as Matt approaches the pair, his signature smile plastered on his face. He stands in front of my feisty nurse, allowing her to dance with him. My cock nearly twitches at the sight of her sandwiched between the two of them.

I scowl at the realization. It's the lack of sex. The lack of feminine touch has me itching for a taste. I've never been too attracted to independent women. I typically gravitate towards the needy, desperate bitches who are easy to manipulate. A woman like Scarlett wouldn't know how to handle a man of my nature, sexually or in life. Leniency is a gift a rarely give, I need a woman that can handle all of me.

When she was testing my patience earlier, I was irritated, furious even. However- part of me was intrigued at the fact that she had the courage to talk to me the way she did, but the other part of me wanted to bend her over my lap and turn her plump cheeks into a cherry red. I believe that her act of defiance is typically a turn off for me, but in reality I've rarely experienced. Most individuals submit open my entrance, succumbing to whatever command I say. Her attitude needs to be corrected. I let it go today because of the multitude of injures that were coming in and out of the hospital, but it won't happen again.

I continue to watch as her and her friend take yet another shot. They've only been here a little over a half hour and have had enough drinks to last for the entire evening. I shake my head as I watch, glancing around the room for any unpredicted movements. Cameron typically plays out the night in advance for is, informing us of the placement of our men, the time frame that the cameras will be disabled, and the approximate time of police appearance after the first bullet is shot. Granite, it's a prediction, but it's usually accurate enough to keep us alive.

Scarlett heads to the bar and Matt turns to look at me, subtly sending me his middle finger. I ignore the ache in my trigger finger to shoot his off. He eventually follows her, taking a seat beside her. Her hair bounces with each step, and despite her baggy clothes men still stare.

Little does Matt know I specifically sent him because he likes men. Scarlett is far from his type.

"Here we go," Cameron mumbles as we watch one of Terraze's men walk up to one of mine. Right on time. Everyone has a pattern if you pay enough attention, Terraze's men is no different. They spend approximately twenty-five minute to half of an our scoping the scene, making assumptions of who's a civilian and who is a one of my men. It's amusing to watch. His men are always obvious and oblivious. He's identified only three of my men in his half hour rendezvous.

We slowly stand to our feet, myself and three of my men who are lounging around. Our movements are slow and tedious, watching to see how quickly this progresses.

"Where's your daddy Axton?" The one in the middle smiles sadistically at Laine who stands his ground at the bottom of the steps. My ears begin to burn with rage. Terraze is the only mother fucked I know who constantly starts battles, yet never participates in any of the fun.

"You've signed a death sentence walking into the Don's territory, I don't think you thought this one out," Laine's voice is barely audible with his back turned to the staircase.

The guy steps closer to Laine, yelling profanities and useless threats. The majority of the men in here are mine. They aren't making it within two feet before their brains dance with the disco lights on the floor.

The two groups of men slowly silence once I reach the bottom of the stairs. I glance towards the bar, nodding my head to Matt. Adrenaline starts to bring me into a high. My feet feel light and airy as I 'tssk' a few times at the man in front of me. Moments like these are what bring me serenity. I enjoy moments where a naive piece of shit gives me the opportunity to kill them with no effort.

"Well, if it isn't Axton himself. We've been looking for you, we just want to tal-" my fist cuts his sentence short. I feel the small bones in his nose crack against the force of my hand, blood splattering against my skin.

From there, hell breaks loose. I can't help but grin as the chubby bitch stumbles back, using this moment as my opportunity. I take out my pistol and fire a single shot through his forehead. His body bounces against the floor, crimson creating a sea under our shoes.

A number of shots ring out around me. Screams of fear emit over the loud music, people begin to run in every direction. My ears used to ring for hours after gunshots in such close proximity, whereas now it sounds as dull as fireworks the day after the Fourth of July. One of my men are hit, clutching his shoulder as he cries out in pain. Within a matter of a minute and a half, all of Terraze's identified men are dead. If there are any more they ran with the crowd. Blood paints the club floors in a messy and unorganized manner. Lifeless corpses flood the scene with dismay. It's sickening how quickly these men lost their lives. It's even sicker that I feel no remorse as I stare at the pile of soulless bodies, some with their eyes still open. Fear was their last sight.

"Time to go, boss," one of my men come up from behind me, patting my shoulder before helping our wounded up. We all take off through the back, quickly getting into our vehicles.

My heart rate is high as we speed off, dodging oncoming traffic.

"Take the next left, it'll lead you two miles from the safe house," Cameron's voice is vaguely heard over the sound of my tires skidding across the concrete. A few minutes pass before we're safely pulling into the underground parking lot.

It's dim and dull, a few cars scattered about. I keep going lower until we reach the bottom floor, opening the door before slamming it shut.

"Call Matt," I speak gruffly as we walk into the safe house.

"For what, exactly?" Cameron asks.

"Make sure the nurse made it out alive."

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