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Surpriseeeeee shawtayyyyyyyy

Cameron's POV

"Time?" Mateo asks, placing two extra magazines in his front pocket.

"Five on the dot," Kaleb hums, sitting happily beside me. Everything has gone as to plan. The bombs are all active, waiting only on the press of a button that sits comfortably in my hand. Ritts is expecting to meet with Mateo and Elias at five, and here we are pulling into their home.

"Good, you ready?" Elias turns to me. My smile twists sadistically as I shake my head enthusiastically. I've been daydreaming about this moment since the plan was conspired. I've pictured Ritts and Micah's brains splattered from the impact of my bullet, taking their final breath. I bought special bullets for the occasion, ones that break into a million pieces once it has made contact with its victim. "Let's finish this shit then," Elias grins, nodding his head. Four SUVS come in behind us, three being from their mafia and one being from the Taikyn mafia.

There's no hesitation as we all exit our vehicles, guns aimed. Some of us have pistols, some of us have riffles. The sweet smell of gunpowder and the joyous sounds of bullets surround my every movement. The guards out front have no time to even aim their own guns before they lay leaking in the grass and concrete, blood painting the once clean ground.

Mateo kicks open the front door, shooting his last few bullets at the men who are in the living room. "Son of a bitch almost shot me," Mateo groans as a bullet flies past his head, my own bullet taking out the shooter. I can't help but laugh at how nonchalant he appears to be, despite being inches away from losing his life.

"Team one take the third floor, two take the second. The rest of you are with me, get a fucking move on!" Mateo yells as he puts a fresh clip into his pistol.

"Office down this hall to the left!" Kaleb yells as we all sprint down the hall. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I clutch my Ruger, helping Elias bust through the office doors.

Ritts sits with a smug smile on his lips. His hands are crossed on the long table he sits at, Micah to his right. There's a few other men who all sit beside them. Their guns aren't pulled, bullets aren't being slung between the mafias. It's quiet, uncomfortably so. Seeing Ritts brings the overwhelming devastation I've experienced the last few months back front and center. Everything I've fought to try and cope with, that I've tried to slowly overcome all floods back into my thoughts. But, when my eyes land on Micah, I'm filled with nothing but rage.

A father is supposed to protect his children. That is his number one job as a man, to make sure no harm is brought to his family. Yet he brought the harm to his children himself, no remorse or hesitation. He allowed his children to die all for the sake of money and a higher status. I aim my gun at him first, curling my finger around the delicate trigger. The bullet flies through the air, losing itself into Micah's thick scull. He's dead in an instance, nothing left but blood and brains.

Ritts still sits unphased, the other men look like they could shit themselves. One of them sits there sobbing violently, scared for his life. He should be. "Mateo, Elias, I must say, this is rather unexpected. Siding with Cameron, who in this moment I realized I should've killed, was not what I had expected from you both. I'm rather disappointed," he sighs. Kaleb walks around him, pretending to look around. The butt of his pistol lands itself into the back of Ritts head, earning us a loud groan of pain from the sinister bastard.

"Please, I have children," one of the other men plead. Unfortunately for him, I don't give a fuck. I shoot him next, desperate do not hear anymore of his pathetic pleads.

"Cameron," Ritts addresses me. I storm over to him, slamming my pistol to his temple. "Now, now, we need to talk, please. Just for a moment." Ritts sighs.

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