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The annual get together of the mafia leaders from the east coast is typically the least busiest day of the year in the hospital, right after Christmas. I take that day off every year since the first year I started in hell. There's no need for me, seeing as there's rarely any trauma that comes in. When all the leaders are in one spot, everything seems to come to a halt. There's no risky motivation, no need to fight or kill one another while the leaders form alliances, make deals, and just converse.

This year is a bit different- seeing as I will be attending with Amir and Axton. It's the first time they've gone to a meeting like this as a pair, rather than as one person. I suspect that it isn't going to go as smoothly as they hope that it will, but I hope it does.

They had offered to pick out my dress for the occasion, but I had opted to get Saraphine out of the house to help me pick one out myself. She wasn't thrilled when I had pulled her from her bed and forced her to get dressed, but after an hour or two her mood seemed to have had increased drastically. She needed to get out of the house almost as much as I needed to spend some time with her.

Very rarely do her and I both agree on a piece of clothing, seeing as our interest are so vastly different. However, we came across a black and nude dress that was absolutely stunning. It's tight, with a slit going all the way down the leg. The sleeves are delicate lace, and the breast line is sewed perfectly to accentuate my cleavage in a provocative but classy manner. I bought a pair of black heals to match with it.

Saraphine curled my hair for me, and I did minimal makeup. Enough to show I tried, but not enough to show that I care. I'm nervous to be going with the twins, even if I pretend not to be. Men of high power will all be in one room, the majority with malice towards one another. In my opinion, it doesn't seem like the best decision to gather them all under one roof. To me, it seems more like a way to scope out the competition, and also to learn about their spouses and who they care most about.

It's only two hours from our home town, the drive there going by quickly. Cameron, Matt, Amir, Axton, and I all got into one SUV. The ride has been amusing, to say the least. The four of them act like children when they're all together. It's nothing but constant bickering and bitching.

They're all in slacks and button downs. Amir and Axton wear beige shirts with black slacks, Matt wears black on black, and Cameron's shirt is white. They all dressed for the occasion, that's for sure. When the twins first saw me in my dress, I had to convince them not to fuck me on the hood of their car.

Not too long after we're pulling into the rather large building. People come in and out, guards stationed every few feet. There's a metal detector and guards at the door, preventing anyone from bringing in any weapons. We pull into a parking spot, two other cars pulling in beside us. They each hold about an additional four of the boy's men. They said they needed to take extra precautions after their intentional exposure to the world. I don't blame them, there's a target on their heads now wether they realize it or not.

Their father was disappointed, from what the told me. He spent a long time helping them morph into one, just for them to decide they no longer wanted that in the spur of a moment. He blames it on our relationship, claiming that I'm softening them up. He had to of known that they would eventually want to have separate identities.

"Stay within eyesight of one of us four the entire night, preferably Amir or myself," Axton says as he grabs my hand, pulling me to his side. He doesn't have to tell me twice, I don't plan on wondering away from them. I'm out of my comfort zone here, I'm not afraid to admit it.

The inside is extravagant. Everyone is dressed head to toe in designer clothes and expensive jewelry, fake laughs and meaningless conversations taking over the low playing music. Heads turn much quicker than I anticipated as we walk in. I stand between the twins, glancing at them both. They stand with their heads held high, a look of identical malice and hatred present on their faces. Conversations quickly turn to gossip on the fact that they both decided to come. Axton begins to smirk. I've come to learn that he enjoys drama, he likes to be the topic of conversation. Wether that be good or bad, he relishes in it.

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