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I woke up to an empty and clean house. The once shattered vase has disappeared, alongside the water and the flowers. The only thing that remains is the note from Jeremy that lays on the center of the table that the Don fucked me on last night.

I continue on with my day, not paying it much mind. I put on a pair of red scrubs, gathers my things and leave to start my day.

The hospital is busy and frantic once more, not that I was expecting anything less. Medical staff run in every direction, men yelling, women crying.

A normal day in hell.

Saraphine walks in soon after me, both of us rushing to help on the floor. We run in different directions, her attending to a car wreck victim and myself a gun shot wound. It's not life threatening, just an in and out hole on the man's right arm.

A few hours pass and I haven't sat down for even a moment. When I finally get to, I'm abruptly interrupted.

"Star! You're needed on the cardiac ICU." A nurse yells at me as he walks passed.

"Fuck!" I rest my head against the table, taking a few deep breaths. It doesn't last long before I'm quickly back on my feet going towards the stairs that'll lead me to the second floor.

It looks like a tornado came through and took my sanity with it. A crash cart lays on the ground, paper scattered all around. Multiple voices are being heard but I can't make them out quite yet. I walk closer to the commotion. Scanning my badge, the doors to the ICU open. A handful of grown men lay on the floor in a full fledged brawl. Three of them are in scrubs. A pistol lays on the ground about two feet from the hoard of testosterone that flails around.

My eyes widen when I notice two of the men being Cameron and Axton. Grunts and curses clash with sound of fists smacking flesh. Security rushes in behind me, but the longer they analyze the situation the more they seem hesitant.

"That's enough, hey!" I walk closer. "There are sick people in these rooms-" I'm cut off when I'm pushed back. I lose my footing and fall flat on my ass. I let out a puff of irritation. Axton's eyes snap to mine and his anger seems to triple, his arms wrapping around the nurse's neck who accidentally pushed me. My eyes widen as I quickly stand back up. He's going to kill him.

"Do something!" I push the two security guards. They snap into action and start to pull Cameron and the others apart. "Axton, let go!" I yell, grabbing at his arms. "Don, let him the fuck go," my voice cracks from screaming so loud. He eventually lets go and they all stand to their feet, huffing and puffing. Cameron spits out some blood on the floor.

"Fuck," Cameron groans, rubbing his swollen jaw. "Who fucking knew a nurse would have a hard hit."

They're all covered in scratches and whelps. One of the nurses has a gash across his forehead, blood leaking down to his neck. At least the battle was fair, everyone is alive.

"What in the hell is going on?" I finally make out after analyzing the boys' and their injuries. Axton crosses his arms, his face still full of anger.

"He just attacked us! I get he's the Don but shit, I can't just let another grown man punch me. Nick and Tylon jumped in once I started losing. Then it just didn't stop," Ryan says, his eyes looking everywhere except the Don. Their nerves are kicking in now, waiting for the Don to make the next move.

Axton picks the gun up, cocking it back. Everyone steps back and Ryan puts his hands up. "I should shoot every last one of you bitches," he aims the gun at Ryan and I hold back a gasp.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yell out and before I could stop myself I'm stepping in front of the pair. Axton doesn't lower his gun.

"Move." I shake my head at his request, fear starting to trickle through my pores. "Goddamnit I said move, Scar!" His voice booms in the otherwise empty hall. I flinch at the noise, looking between him and the gun.

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