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Morning came a lot faster than anticipated, seeing as my blissful sleep was disturbed by an obnoxious banging at the boy's front door. My heart starts to beat radically as the boy's both leap out of bed, Amir running to the closet. I watch as he pushes all the clothes to the side to make way for a door that I had never realized was there.

He pushes the door open and I get a small glance of the room hidden behind it. It is rather large, exceeding my expectations. I had never really thought about where they went when it wasn't their day to face the world. Axton follows up behind him, moving the clothes back and shutting the closet door as the banging continues.

"Jesus fucking Christ, I'm coming!" Axton yells, sliding on some shorts before leaving me lonely and clueless in his king sized bed.

"Cameron, what the fuck?" Axton groans out obnoxiously. "Why in the hell didn't you call first, idiot?"

"A life full of surprises is a life worth living, my good friend," Cameron's voice just sounds smug. I think he gets off on pissing off the Don. I quickly get up and grab some of the boy's underwear, sliding it up my legs.

"You can come out, Amir! Daddy's home," Cameron muses and I small thud followed by Cameron cursing to himself. "You didn't have to hit me that hard." He whines as him and Axton round the corner to the bedroom.

Our eyes meet and flashbacks from the night at the bar come back and both of our faces redden. Amir walks out of the closet, glancing between the two of us.

"The fuck do you look like that for?" Axton asks Cameron, anger lacing his tone. "Did you try 'n fuck my girl?" His face deepens with anger as he comes up with assumptions in his head.

"Fuck, Axton, no he did not try and fuck me. Get your head out of the gutter," I look at him.

"Then why are you two blushing like little school girls that finally made it to first base?" Amir walks up to me, wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"Well, you see, we were having some drinks," Cameron starts but decides not to finish. What a great way to start off an explanation.

"Okay, and?" Axton presses, his arms crossed.

"You know what, you big fat fucking bully, I cried for half an hour to your intoxicated girlfriend. A gang member, sobbing uncontrollably to a nurse he barely knew. You happy now?" Cameron scowls as he takes a seat on the bed.

"Crybaby," Axton huffs.

"Hey now. There is nothing wrong with a man expressing his feelings," I bite back and stick my tongue out. Amir squeezes me once more before letting me go. "I want to see your hide away room," I glance up at him.

He glances at Axton who just shrugs, probably unsure as to why in the hell I would give a fuck. It's intriguing. They've spent damn near half their adult years in whatever room hides behind the closet, I'm curious to see what it occupies.

I follow Amir through the door, not shocked to see it messy.

A twin sized bed is in the corner, the sheets and comforter laying on it. There's a small kitchen area with a mini fridge and a microwave.

In the right corner there is some workout equipment, like weights and mats to lay on. The walls are bare as hell, nothing but a calendar. I walk over towards it, letting my fingers dance across the words. Each day is labeled, the top of the column being with their names.

Each day is a layout on what is supposed to be planned for the day, the last few days being left blank. I flip it over, looking at the days prior. My name lights up from three weeks ago, a star next to it.

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