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"He bent you over the table and spanked you. The Don? The same man who took a man's left pinky over a poker game, that Don?" Saraphine tries to place the puzzle pieces together but keeps falling short. I don't blame her, hell I am too.

"Mhm," I nod, straightening my hair.

"Did you like it?" She comes up behind me, taking the hot iron and doing the back for me.

"I think so," I admit.

"Have you ever thought about that lifestyle before?" Her tone isn't condescending, it sounds of pure curiosity.

"What lifestyle?" I feign dumb. Of course I have. I've been wildly entertained by sex since I was nineteen. Not necessarily in an addictive manner. There are just so many ways to have sex. So many toys, positions, places. I have a never ending kink list in my head that I want to try. I've always wanted to submit to a man. There's something thrilling about releasing myself of all control and putting it in the hands of another individual, letting them decide for me.

My problem is I constantly run into very vanilla-type men. All they want is to kiss and fuck, maybe throw a little head in there but that's it. I don't like to kiss, so that just leaves awful foreplay and sex that only lasts a few moments. It became repetitive and unattractive.

"You know- BDSM. Bondage, whips, punishment. All the good shit. But more than just for sexual reasons, clearly." That grabs my attention.

"What do you mean?" Confusion covers my face as I turn off my straightener. More than for sexual reasons? That is something I actually haven't considered.

"When you were bent over, ass up, it wasn't about sex. If it was it would have ended in a little quickie. It was a punishment, one to let you know that the Don holds all control. That lifestyle involves so much more than sex, you know," she lays down on my bed. "You give your all to him and he willingly takes it and runs with it."

"Yeah, no. It's just sex for us. The idea is appealing, sure. But he is the Don and I'm me." I shrug it off, digging through my closet for something decent to wear.

"Yet you've been trying to pick out the perfect outfit for him for three minutes," her giggles float through the room as my face flushes.

Maybe she's right. I did my hair and makeup for once. He's only seen me at my worse, I figured it was about time I looked presentable. She pulls out a red bandeau and my leather jacket.

"This is hot. Pair it with some nice jeans." She nods to herself in agreement.

I put on a nice matching pair of lingerie, sliding on the outfit over top of it. The small bulge of my belly shows just a bit but not enough to make me change. Pairing it with some short black boots I feel complete.

"I'm heading out, I love you. I'll be by later, don't wait up- I have a key!" The front door slams from behind her.

Perfume and my phone and then I'm good to go.

I start humming to myself, thinking of where Axton is planning on bringing me.

He seems like the type who would make a drug deal a date, so fingers crossed he picked something else.

"You should keep your doors locked, princess," a deep voice sounds beside my ear.

"Goodness fuck!" I scream, turning around. My phone is clutched in my hand, prepared to launch it at the intruders head. "Axton!" I whine.

A smirk plays on his lips as he walks closer. "You wouldn't want a bad man getting in now would you?" He places his hands on my hips. A bad man already did.

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