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I walk into the twin's cabin, the weight of the day dragging my feet as I walk. I went home when I had gotten off, grabbing a few things to use for the next few days while I stay at their house. Apparently, there's a statewide manhunt going on tomorrow within the Taikyn mafia. Every house, that has some tie to the mafia, has to forgo a search.

It doesn't make much sense to me, seeing as there was a warning given out. Tao has plenty of time to move his whereabouts if he is in someone's house that is going to be searched. I'm sure there's more to it, seeing as they had to of considered the possibility as well.

Cameron, Matt, Amir, Axton, and someone I've never met before all sit in the living room, a blunt being passed around the five of them. It looks like it isn't their first, seeing as there is an ashtray with a few end pieces of previous ones.

"Scarlett," Amir sighs in relief. I smile softly, walking to stand between his legs. I lean down to give him a kiss, the vague taste of weed present on his lips.

"Princess, this is Laine. Laine, Scarlett," Axton nods his head, inhaling some smoke before passing the joint to Laine.

"Nice to meet you," I hum. I haven't really been around any of their friends other than Matt and Cameron.

"You smoke?" Laine asks, holding out the lit paper to me.

"No, she doesn't smoke, she is a an alcoholic," Cameron declares.

I look at him with my eyes squinted. "If I'm an alcoholic, so are you."

"I never claimed to be otherwise," Cameron laughs as he holds up his cup, straight liquor floating in it.

I decide to sit on Axton's lap, ignoring the open seat on the couch. The boys are all high as hell, laughing at the littlest of things. I stay quiet the majority of the time, enjoying the way they so easily talk about things they would usually keep to themselves.

I've never had this before. A group of friends who can banter, laugh, and simply enjoy each others company. It's been Saraphine and I for as long as I can remember. Due to my father's ridiculous regime he kept for me, I didn't have time for pleasantries. The simple pleasures are what I wished I had. Occasional sleepovers, going to the movies, or the bowling alley. Anything other than listening to my father bitch. I was adamant at a young age to leave his house as quickly as possible, and I did.

I do love my father, but not in the normal way a daughter typically does. I love him simply because he is my dad, I guess. I'm blessed that I had a father at all growing up, but I'm selfish for wishing he was absent. When I graduated early, from both high school and college, he didn't congratulate me. He didn't buy me flowers and celebrate my success. Instead, when I graduated high school, he told me that I did it too fast. That I wouldn't do well in college because I didn't 'take high school seriously'. When I graduated college, he was disappointed that I didn't get a masters degree.

I don't miss him and I don't yearn to fight for his life. The twins have told me that he isn't dead as of yet, but he will be. If he hadn't of allowed Rick to defile my sister, I would be more upset. Then again, he wouldn't even be facing the death sentence if he would've protected his little girl.

"I missed you," Axton whispers in my ear, pulling me from my wavering thoughts. His words are barely coherent over Matt and Cameron bickering over who has the most kills. If you didn't know who they were, you'd assume they were talking about a video game.

"I missed you more," I turn to face him.

His eyes are bloodshot, his eyelids low. "You're so beautiful," he murmurs, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. I can feel my skin redden at his words as I turn back to listen to the conversation. Axton moves my hair to one side of my neck, leaning in a bit to kiss the exposed skin. Goosebumps form on my arms at the dainty touch.

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