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Axton's POV

"His right lung was punctured," Scarlett explains to us. "We put in a chest tube to help the lung re-expand. He's stable and unconscious as of now, we still have him on the ventilator until his body chooses to wake up. He should make a full recovery," she finishes, using a wet wipe to wipe off Cameron's face.

I can't focus. I'm completely blinded by a rage I know that I cannot control. It will not suffice until I have the piece of shit's heart in the palm of my hand, squeezing it like a fucking stress ball. The entire time Cameron was in surgery I sat in silence, contemplating who I believe organized the shooting. And furthermore, how the fuck they found out where I live. I considered Tao, but he wouldn't risk everything so recklessly. Plus, he doesn't have the connections to pull something like that off.

I considered Jeremy, too. He seems like a plausible suspect, not necessarily him, but his men.

"How long does his chest tube need to stay in?" Amir asks, staring at his body. He's so pale, he looks lifeless. I never imagined that I would hope to hear his nagging demeanor. I would kill everyone on this floor just for him to wake up and start some bullshit.

"There's really not a definite answer I can give you for that. Hopes are that he only needs it for two to three days, but everyone heals differently. He's a very lucky man, Don," the doctor looks to both of us. "Most men would've died on that table, we are just appreciative that he is still here." The doctor says his farewells as he walks out of the room.

"I want someone by this door at all times, not a single soul makes judgments on his care without first consulting myself or Amir," I speak to whoever is listening. Matt walks out of the room to handle my requests.

"I'm sorry about Laine," Scarlett whispers. Bags have formed under her eyes, the mental drain of the day taking its toll on her. I choose not to respond, seeing as I have two coping mechanisms in manners like this. Option one- pure anger that results in hurting everyone around me. Option two- silence. If I can't react out of anger like I want too, I don't say anything at all. I don't like to be a dick to individuals that matter to me, but I also have trouble controlling it when I'm consumed with anguish.

"It's alright," Amir sighs, taking a seat next to Cameron. He glances to me, waiting for me to blow up as I usually do. I'm trying to refrain from it around Scarlett. She's seen it a few times already, no need for it again.

I've gotten used to death, and I've gotten used to loneliness. I spent half of my life that I can remember in a room. I've seen more people die than people who survive, but it's a part of the job. I'm aware that it can happen to anyone, no one is safe. Never has been, never will be.

"Kai is going to start with guarding the door," Matt walks back in the room. The surgery took a few hours, so everyone's high is long gone. Now in it's place is exhaustion.

"We're going to go talk, why don't you go take a shower?" Amir asks Scar, standing back to his feet.

We all haven't said how we truly are thinking. I care for Scarlett, I've developed feelings for her that I can't quite comprehend, but the truth of the matter that she is the only new person who knows where we live. Matt, Cameron, and Laine have all known where the cabin is for as long as I can remember. I don't feel as if she would betray us, seeing as she was in the house too, but I don't see another explanation.

Scarlett nods her head, walking out of the room. I glance back at Cameron one more time before walking out with Matt and Amir. We follow Scarlett down to the ER, her walking towards the showers while we walk into a conference room.

"Pull up the surveillance on your phone, Amir," I demand, taking a seat with my arms crossed.

I wait a moment for him to get it pulled up in the time frame that it had happened. He places his phone between the two of us, letting the footage roll.

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