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"Don, I'm sorry to bother. We're having an issue in the emergency department involving the charge nurse, Scarlett Lamar. She has requested your assistance." Saraphine's voice floats through the phone. I'm sure she knows of Scar and I's affiliation with one another, but her tone is full of professionalism and for some reason that brings me concern.

"I'm on the way," my voice comes out annoyed, and I am. I'm annoyed she didn't tell me what the issue is on the phone, now a million and one things scroll through my sadistic mind.

"What's going on?" Cameron asks as we walk out of a quick meeting we had with another mafia.

"Don't know, call Amir and let him know something's up with our girl and that I'm going to handle it," I growl out as I start the car and skirt out of the parking lot.

I vaguely listen in on their conversation as I speed towards the hospital in the woods.

There's rarely ever an issue in the emergency department that needs my assistance. Every time it's usually something extremely severe or detrimental to my men and I.

There doesn't seem to be much commotion in the emergency room itself other than a few doctors standing outside of a room.

As I get closer I can hear Scarlett's voice, causing me to walk faster.

"You fucking knew? What the hell do you mean you knew!" Scarlett is in her fathers face, pushing against his chest. I can tell he wants to hit her, but he's restraining himself well. Better than most.

The doctors and the nurses become quiet as I walk in, shock written on everyone's faces. Scarlett's mom sits on the hospital floor in shambles, sobs racking her entire body. Her hand covers her mouth. A young girl lays on the hospital bed, tears down her face as she's half awake. I'm assuming it's Scarlett's sister.

"Another victim?" I assume quietly to a doctor standing close to me.

"Uh, yes sir. But it seems to be much, much more than that," he sighs.

"She told me she loved him, Star," her dad bellows.

"Scarlett please just-" a man in the corner starts. I recognize him but I don't recall his name.

"Shut the fuck up, Rick! Before I take this scalpel and kill you where you fucking stand!" Scarlett picks up a scalpel and lunges for Rick and I'm barely able to catch her before she makes contact. I won't allow her to kill anyone, that's what I'm here for. I'll kill everyone in the goddamn room if she asks me to.

"That's enough," I demand, holding her thrashing body. If she were to lay hands on anyone in this room and they were to hit her back, I'd have to kill them all. Including her father. Something about this woman drives my psychotic mind and heart into a frenzy.

"No, it's not enough! So tell me, how long? How long have you been raping my sister?" Scarlett sobs, staring at the piece of shit Rick. My body stills, the pistol on my hip suddenly feeling heavy.

"Excuse me?" I ask, letting Scarlett out of my hands.

He looks to her and I with wide eyes, fear framing his face. He should be scared. In situations like this we have fun, and since he's going to die anyway we can have double the trouble. It's well known that I have a zero tolerance for women and children, I'm not sure why people still try and fucking test me. I'm not right in the head, I never have been. I enjoy listening to a man scream as I take his life, moments like these just give me the opportunity to enjoy it even more.

"It, it wasn't supposed to be like this, Star. You know me. I raised you!" He yells.

"You raised her too!" She runs up to him and pushes him. "You raised her too," she sobs uncontrollably and part of me just wants to take her out of this room and hold her until her pieces are formed back together.

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