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"Did you know there were two of them?" Saraphine asks as we walk into a trauma bay.

"Now isn't really the time, Sara," I groan out as I'm handed the chart on a nineteen year old gun shot victim. Clean shot through the left shoulder. Besides months of physical therapy and a lot of unnecessary pain, he'll be fine. No major arteries were hit.

Since two o'clock today there's been an uproar of rumors being spread like wildfire through the hospital. Apparently Axton and Amir outed themselves to the mafia and I wasn't given as much as a text. I know nothing of the details. From what I've heard Amir was in the shadows and came forward like a superhero or some bullshit like that. Every doctor, nurse, and patient in this hospital has talked about it ever since. Part of it is fear, seeing as there are now two Dons instead of one.

I sat down with Saraphine this morning and told her about everything that had happened. She was a little emotional at first, knowing that the mafia now knows her brother is alive. She knew it would happen eventually, she had just hoped it would be many years down the road. I did too, I guess. Then again, a life in solitude seeing nothing but the same four walls has to be mentally exhausting. It's almost similar to solitary confinement when you're in prison, only difference is Tao could have left. He could've gone to any other country on the planet and lived a comfortable life with a wife, kids, and a job. He chose to stay in a small city surrounded by woods, a choice I simply don't understand.

Her only concern is what Axton would do when he confronted him, and I felt bitter because I didn't have an answer for her. I don't know what their intentions are. Despite us being around each other often these past few months, they've done what the can to keep me shielded from that side of who they are.

"Now is the perfect time, our patient is passed out. See?" She pushes his head softly and it flips to the right with no reluctance.

"Fentanyl and a punch to the temple will do it to you," I chuckle, setting up the medications for his IV's. Doctors run in and out, all around but it all seems like a blur, like it usually does. I've learned to block them out unless it's something that pertains to me and the care I need to properly give my patient.

"Star, hang a liter of blood. We'll be back to take him up in just a moment," Doctor Lin nods at me before she walks out of the trauma bay. Saraphine and I follow her out, squirting some hand sanitizer on our hands. After getting everything situated we walk back to the nurses station, the day being surprisingly one of the slowest I've ever had.

"Did you meet his brother before? I want details," Saraphine outs, glancing down at a chart. 

"I was fucking his brother, Sara. You happy now?" I groan out, sitting back in the chair.

Her eyes widen as she turns to give me her sole attention. "So, you were with the brother the whole time? How did you meet him?" Her eyes are shining under the light as she runs through every scenario that leads to this reality. It's kind of funny, all of her assumptions being far from the truth.

"Sorry, let me clarify. I was fucking them both," I shrug.

"Both of them? Holy shit, Star. What the hell have you been hiding?" She sits back, spinning in her chair. "My best friend- getting two mafia dicks. The most valued members of it, to be exact. I just know that you suck some good dick," she confirms with herself, nodding.

I give her the run down of what has happened, the truth. I left out a few unimportant things like the double penetration and the punishments, also their hidden rooms and stuff like that. I told her the details that matter.

"Star! Long time no see," a women yells obnoxiously loud as she stand in my line of vision, bending down to give me a kiss on each cheek.

"Not long enough, Victoria," I smile. Victoria Kemble, Dr. Kembles wife. She knows her husband has many, many affairs, yet she still walks around and flaunts her oversized diamond ring around as if it is something we should admire.

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