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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

Scarlett's POV

It's been a few days now since the shooting. My ass is still bruised. Laine's funeral was yesterday. The turnout was much more than I had expected, at least a hundred people showed up. The boys didn't shed a single tear, but the night ended with them drowning themselves in alcohol. Matt has been giving them some space. Yesterday was the first time I've seen him since that night. Cameron woke up this morning, taking a large weight from my shoulders. They explained to him what happened. I figured he'd hate me, and I wouldn't have blamed him. Instead he hugged me, saying he'd rather it have been him than me.

I don't feel the same way.

I sit with my face in my hands, trying to fight off the stress that has accumulated throughout the day. Staff is on high alert since the full story of Tao has made its way through the mafia. The story spread uncontrollably, and like most gossip, everyone has heard something slightly different.

"Guess who," a voice whispers in my ear, causing me to jolt in my seat. I quickly spin in the office chair, jumping up and pulling my best friend into my arms.

"Thank fucking God," I whine out. Saraphine giggles as I squeeze her much harder than I should.

"Awh, did you miss me?" She smiles as I pull back. She has bags under her eyes, showing the stress she has been in battle with for a few weeks now. My heart swells in her presence, basking in the sweet smell of her perfume. It brings some peace to my soul.

"So much," I mumble. "How are you?"

"I'm making it, I just needed a little time to comprehend everything. I'm back now," her confident smile doesn't reach her eyes, but I decide not to press the issue.the bags under her eyes tell a story that she never will. Saraphine has always had an I'll figure it out mentality. Rarely have I ever witnessed her ask for help, and when she does it's usually about work. She suffers in silence, despite always having a shoulder to lean on. "Have they found Tao?" She whispers.

My heart aches as I stare at her, shaking my head. I'm not sure how to comfort her, or what exactly to say. "Figures, bastard always beat me in hide and seek," she groans. I smile softly, divulging myself in updating her about the world around us.

"Bay three, patient has three gunshot wounds to the abdomen," a medic walks up to the nurses station, handing me a clipboard with the patients information from the ride here.

"I got it, might as well jump in head first. Can you grab some supplies for us?" Saraphine asks, taking the clipboard and briefly reading through it as she walks towards bay three.

I turn on my heels, walking towards the supply room a hall over. A small squeal breaks through my lungs as my arm is clamped onto tightly, my body being pulled into a conference room. My heart begins to race, my breath quickening. "Scream and I'll fuck you with my knife," Tao whispers in my ear, pulling my body flush against his. I whimper as I hear the door lock. "Go take a seat, sweet Scarlett." His voice is raspy, almost as if he's a different person. Unfortunately, he's not. He's just a different personality.

I shakily step away from him, counting my footsteps as I walk towards the chair. There's a cup on the table, causing my nerves to spike even more. It's flipped upside down, no telling what lays beneath it.

"We're finally alone," he grins, taking a seat across from me. He pulls out a gun, cocking it before placing it on his lap. "In case you try anything stupid."

"What do you want, Tao?" I whisper, staring at his cold face. I feel vulnerable and naive, just as my boys described me. I allowed myself to be confined to a room with a psychotic piece of shit, with no safe way to leave. He can do anything he wants to me in this moment, and I'd have no choice but to take it or die. The cruel reality paints a horrendous picture in my head, my hands beginning to shake.

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