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"Same eyes, same height. I'd put money that it's him," Matt sighs, comparing the picture of the rapist we have with his mask on and Tao. I stare at the pictures, my eyes bouncing from each photo every few seconds.

We couldn't find the rapist because he was a dead man. No one would've thought to go through photos of individuals pronounced dead to find the sick bitch. He knew it too, I'm sure of it.

"She had a rapist in her house and doesn't even know it," Cameron places his head on his fist. He's always been very over protective. Damn near since day one when we first started to associate with Scarlett he had an urge to protect her the same way he does for the rest of us. It's kind of reassuring. That's the only reason he stayed in the city when we left to California. Someone had to stay in case of emergencies, and he volunteered.

"Let's go," Axton stands to his feet, throwing me a bandana to cover my face with.

"You sure you both want to go? You're getting a little slack with both being out at the same time," Matt mumbles, careful not to agitate the beast that is Axton Taikyn.

"Don't really give a shit, Matt. He was in her house. Alone. He could've easily done the same shit to her that he has to all of those other bitches!" Axton yells, throwing a glass against the wall.

"But the real question is, why didn't he?" Matt stretches his chin before opening back up the file on the rapist. He pulls out pictures of all the victims, laying them in a row.

"All same hair color, relatively the same height and build. The only one who looks drastically different is Olivia, but she's Scarlett's sister so it still makes sense," Matt sighs.

"Makes sense how?" I ask, moving the pictures closer.

"They all resemble Scarlett, slightly but they do. Really take a look at all of them." He urges.

The room goes quiet for a moment as we all take turns with the pictures, analyzing and deciphering each one. All of their hair colors are the same and the lengths are all similar as well.

"He's living a fantasy of your girl." Cameron's whispers.

I glance towards Axton and you can visibly see him shaking in anger. His right eye always slants when he's angry, and it typically stays like that until he releases some of his aggression.

"Let's go." I stand to my feet, securing the bandana and putting a hoodie on, despite it being well into the seventies today. I grab a pair of sunglasses and slide them on before I follow them out to the car.

The drive to Scarlett's house is relatively quiet, the only noises being heard is from the clank of metal as everyone loads the clips in their guns. Cameron changes the bullets in his gun, choosing one of his defense calibers instead. They explode once implemented into an object, sending bullet fragments through the blood stream.

Once we're parked we all walk into the woods. The day light makes it easy. Despite Scarlett and Saraphine's attempts at hiding their pathway, it's still semi visible. If you weren't looking for it, you wouldn't notice it.

The walk doesn't take as long as I had planned it too, before we know it we're all standing in the tree line in front of a beat up cabin. We all pick a tree to stand behind as we scout out the area, listening for any noises and watching for any movement. Once we're confident that it's relatively safe to proceed, we all rush to the front door. Axton kicks in the door, not bothering to see if it's unlocked or not. We walk in with our guns raised, fully prepared to shoot on sight.

"Bedroom clear," Matt whispers as he walks back out.

"Bathroom and living room both clear." Cameron echoes. Axton and I walk into the kitchen, sliding our guns into our waistband once we realize the bitch made a run for it.

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