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I've been waiting for a phone call from my father since last night. Anticipation drives me insane throughout the day, causing me to busy myself with literally anything else rather than staring at my phone waiting for his name to light up the screen.

It eventually does, but in a text message.

'Jeremy said the date went great. Glad to hear it.'

I can't hide the surprise on my face as I reread the text. He didn't tell my dad the reality of the situation. I'm grateful for that but also confused.

We visited Tao this morning once I got home. Saraphine came over and we went to his hideout for a few hours. He seemed different, antsy even. I know living in that small cottage by himself will eventually drive him crazy. He refuses to move, however. Saraphine offered to buy him a plane ticket to anywhere in the world but he adamantly refused. He chooses to live as a ghost in the cabin, he has an out despite his circumstances.

Per usual he flirted with me, eyeing me up and down every so often. It used to not bother me, but now it makes me feel dirty. Like he's observing something that he shouldn't.

Axton acted weird this morning prior to dropping me off. I let him see where I live, seeing as it's only fair. Jeremy did. He was angry, not looking me in the eye. I'm not sure what I did, but I didn't think too much of it. Just adds to my thoughts of him being bipolar.

I mean, what did I truly expect? The leader of a mafia to bask me in unconditional love and flowers? All I'm going to get is spankings and sex.

My ass still hurts.

The thought makes my core wake up once more. It's odd how much I enjoy the pain accompanying the pleasure. I'm tempted to piss him off just to be thrown over his knee again.

"So? How'd it go with your forced date?" Saraphine takes a seat next to me in the break room, smacking her container of food on the table.

"It started off great, surprisingly. Despite being a mafia man he carries himself with a different type of morale, I guess." I shrug it off, taking a bite of my bland salad I got from the cafeteria.

"Started off?" She scrunches her face up, not understanding. "What made it turn left?"

I groan, my face flushing. "The Don."

Her eyes widen as she leans forward, egging me on to continue on with my story. "His goons interrupted dinner and called him to come escort me off the premises," I mock.

"Are you serious?" Her mouth hangs agape. "So you and the Don are a thing? I thought you didn't do relationships."

"We are not a thing," I speak quietly as someone walks into the room. "He just, he felt disrespected I was sleeping with him then proceeded to go out with another man in a rival gang, I guess." She doesn't seem convinced and I hold back another groan. "I don't know, Sara. He's weird. He doesn't do relationships either. But if he truly doesn't, he shouldn't care who in the hell I eat with or sleep with."

"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself," she shrugs. "There's nothing wrong with trying a relationship, just be sure the Don is who you really want to do it with. You've heard the stories."

"I don't want a relationship with anyone, much less an egotistical mafia leader. That just sounds like a heartbreak waiting to happen," I munch on my lettuce angrily.

"Mhm, if you say so. Have you heard what the staff has been talking about?" She asks, taking a bite of her food. I shake my head, waiting for her to continue.

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