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The ride to his house is eerie quiet. He laid his jacket down in the seat so blood didn't cover his fancy leather.

I still feel loopy and a little giddy. Almost as if everything appears like a daydream. I've been on pain killers a few times, almost every time the first dose has me higher than a fucking kite.

"This is weird," I voice out loud as we driver further and further from the comfort of the hospital.

"Weird?" He hums out the question, casually turning on his blinker as if this is a normal occurrence.

"Don Axton Taikyn and little old me taking a joyride to his," I glance around the woods, "obviously private house. Do you plan on killing me, is that what this is?" My body turns to him in accusation.

"If that was my plan, Scarlett, you're a little late on becoming defensive. I could pull over and shoot you in the head and no one would find you for days." His smirk is confident. "But no, I don't plan on killing you. You needed to go home and refused, so my next plan of action was my house." His words are light and airy, almost as if he can't believe that he's bringing me home either. I bet he is double-thinking his life choices right about now too.

"That's morbid," my face scrunches up as we finally pull into his long, dirt driveway.

It is the opposite of what I imagined. Pictures of a large guarded mansion have plagued my mind since the ride began. Maybe some nice flowers out front, a water fountain, anything that screams wealth.

But this, this is just sad. It's a small cabin. Wooden and old. Blatant cameras are on the corners and by the door, but other than that there's nothing.

"See, now I'm even more skeptical. All horror stories begin with 'the cabin in the woods' and that's exactly where you have brought me," I stare at it in dismay. I glance around for a safe exit route.

He chuckles. He literally laughs at my dilemma.

"Oh, you think this is funny? Just the other day you were calling me a bitch and now you're laughing at me because you brought me to a spooky cabin. Real classy." I huff as he opens his door. Reluctantly I follow suit.

"I apologize," he pauses, making sure I'm walking behind him. "I'm not usually that crude to woman." He pauses and I can almost hear crickets in the background. "Okay, maybe I am."

He unlocks the cabin doors and I follow him inside, ignoring the small throbbing sensation on my hip. Bastard got me good.

It's rather cozy on the inside. Everything is neat and in order. It is definitely an older home, but the decor seems to be new. It is very minimalist, clearly showing that a man lives here.

"I'll show you the restroom. You can wash the blood off." His footsteps creep with every step as he leads me to his bathroom. It's small, the tub taking up the majority of the room. "Wouldn't want it leaking onto my furniture."

"Thanks," I mumble sarcastically, closing the door. I turn and look in the mirror, not surprised by how shitty I look. Blood covers the majority of my torn scrubs. My hair that was once in a low bun is now halfway out. Mascara is smudged all around my eyes.

I groan in annoyance, stripping myself of all my clothes and placing them on the sink. I turn on his shower and let it get hot before I slide in.

What the hell I doing? Taking a shower at the Don's house with no clothes to change into? Why did I let him take me here in the first place?

For one, drugs. I blame it all on the drugs.

I scrub myself clean, taking my hair out and washing it with his manly shampoo and conditioner. Everything smells like him.

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