13. Insecurities

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As soon as the maiden came inside her room. She quickly locked the door. With thoughts playing in her mind. She made her way towards her bed as soon as she reached, she dropped herself on the bed. " why do I have to be in a situation like this." She thought and signed. " Me and Queenluna unbelievable. Oh my goodness why did you saw in me Godmother that you made me the werewolf queen. Never ever I in my life have doubted you decision but now I doubt that now I doubt that if you have made a good decision for me. First pairing me up with seven dominant men, SEVEN TRUE-BLOODED ALPHAS AND A HUMAN what an unusual pair. Huh! I am not enough for them. How come a teenage girl like me can fulfill all desires of seven grown up men as a mate. This so complicated goddess why do you have to pair me up with seven people it could have been one or none. I am not enough my Godmother. I am not enough. I fucking worthless fucking worthless." Yn said as she started repeating the same words while she curdled up into herself trying to look as invisible as possible. Letting out quite sobs she cried to extreme before coming to mean. Her depression started kicking again. All insecurities came flowing like a flood and them despaired leaving the damage done. She thought that she is not enough for the werewolf princes but she was unaware of the fact that she is more than enough for them.

The poor maiden cried for hours drowned in insecurities. All the bad things were triggered due to this coronation thing and yn having poor mental health added more fuel to the fire.

The insecurities she had growing up were frustrating. They shattered her confidence which took years to built. She was never the same girl again since she was diagnosed with depression and poor mental health. The only person whom she had in her ups and down was Jennie kim her older sister. They both were two opposite souls who fond warmth in each other. Throughout the nineteen years they made such a bond which was rare to see between siblings. Not some lovely sibling drama. Jennie loved her sister to death but was really protective and Possessive towards her. This is also one of the reasons why she didn't had any boyfriend. Her sister was so scary that people never dare to come close to them and use to watch from far like they are Apple of their eye. Her sister never behaved like how a typical sister does. She was always like the protective older brother. But yn never minded it instead she loved the way her noona was Possessive over her. She felt protected and loved.

Thinking about her lovely older sister the young maiden smiled. Life moves so fast. Tomorrow only she was stressed that how would be her first day of college be and now she is here mated to seven true-blooded alphas who happens to be the the princes of werewolf kingdom. She will eventually be there princess and ten day later their queen.

Yn shrugged away the thought that contained things about the coronation as she wanted to go somewhere so that she can clear her thoughts but it is 11 pm. No one will be awake in the Bangtan mansion.

But she wanted to go somewhere and there will be no better place then the capital city of Bangtan kingdom Purple.



A boring chapter.

Trueblooded's ethereal beauty || ᵒᵗ⁷ || Werewolf auTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon