32. The white wolf

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'The white wolf howls in the need of love. She is lonely, the loneliness is eating her yet there is nobody who helps her. In pain, in grief everybody calls her in need of help yet no one helps her when she needs it. She is beautiful yet tattered. No one is there to heal her broken self. She is just like the broken doll which has been thrown after being played.

The white wolf was so beautiful that even the moon feels ashamed due to its reflection. It had snow-white fur, crystal blue eyes, a heart of gold and a beauty to admire. She was one of the descents of werewolves yet they wondered why nobody was born with her white fur and crystal blue eyes. None of the werewolves had received her healing powers or her powers to freeze water.

She was a legend and had remained a legend in the hearts of werewolves but now many call her story and her existence a myth. Cause there were no proofs that any wolf who had white fur and extraordinary powers had existed in the past.' These were the golden words written by the first Queenluna, Kim Yuri in her book Secrets of Queenlunas.

Every Queenluna has written something inside it and yn also wanted to write something. Nobody could read or write inside this book not even royal except the mate of the werewolf princes. And yn knew it and she was thankful to the true Luna for doing it. Now she can write about her thoughts without worrying about someone reading them.

Yn writes

There is a woman with silky-smooth white hair, crystal blue eyes and snow-white skin. She is beautiful yet she hides her beauty in fear that someone might tain it. She preserves herself for her fated mate and she is blessed with seven handsome gentlemen. And they accept her too but she is not happy. And you must think that everything she wanted, she has gotten then what makes her sad.

The royal princes have accepted her but not from the heart. Some of them are in love with another woman while some don't talk to her. And thus saddens her. Some have taken their steps towards mate bonding but she wants all of them to take steps towards mate bonding. She wants all of her mates to be with her cause now she doesn't have any heart to let go of anyone she is attached to.

Yn drops her pen as the tears flow from her crystal blue eyes flowing down her rosy cheeks which had turned red now due to the cold breeze. Her white hair blew with the cold wind as she shivered due to gelid. Yn was not present there as her wolf had taken the whole control of her body. Finding out that two of her mates are having an affair had not shocked yn as much as it did to Lily.

On mates first meet, the human side requires to spend time to fall in love but the wolves are already in love with each other. On their first meeting only they fall in love with each just like first love at first sight and mark each other so they are already mated.

The white wolf was miserable because seeing your marked mate being with a woman who is not you is not less than salt being rubbed on a fresh open wound. The pain was equivalent to dying. The white wolf wanted to be free, to be in her wolf form so that it can divert herself from this pain.

The crystal-eyed girl teleported herself to a place whose land was covered by snow as white as her skin. Crystal blue sky just like her iris. Her hair blew with the harsh wind. She seems to be a part of this beautiful Arctic landscape.

She looked at the white snow and then closed her teary eyes. The sound of bone cracking was heard as a white wolf stood there with its magnificent size bigger than any liger ( offspring of a male lion and female tiger). If it stood straight then it will be taller than any Arctic bear. It had snow-white fur with a tint of purple in it. Its crystal blue eyes were clearer than any water if water bodies. It was more beautiful than any wolf.

The white wolf ran on the white snow talking to the wind and blending in the snow. Lily felt free from all restrictions imposed by her human on her and all of the pain from her mates. She just wanted to be like this free as a bird flying wherever she wanted.

She wanted to protect her human from all the sufferings of the world just like she has protected her.



Author note:- Sorry angles for not posting for a long time. I was just busy with my projects and studies. Not to mention my depression has been making me feel lethargic which is why I was not able to write any chapters. Only god knows how I have been balancing all of these things. Not to mention that this summer is killing me. The temperature is going beyond 38 degrees. It is really hot here and I feel like doing nothing.

Forgive me for the short and boring chapters. I am just dealing with a lot of things and it is kind of normal for me. Not trying to brag that I am a productive individual. It happens when you are lonely and tatered.

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