30. Backlash

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Kim Daelyn, the second princess of blood witch kingdom. An infamous model. Always a topic of hot gossip and had various scandal yet not as big as this. The royal scandal has created a big fuse in the entertainment industry as well as in the werewolf community. A world where mates were considered the only romantic partner for a person. Dating was not a choice. But taehyung had broken it, a royal prince had broken it, there most favorite prince loved by so many people had hurted there sentiments so reaction will be there. And it was really extreme, wild and violent.

The affair between the second youngest prince of werewolf kingdom and the younger princess of blood witch kingdom was nothing which people could ever dream of. Their pure untainted prince was not a cheater well atleat not in the eyes of his subject but reality was far from this.

Blood witches are the ones with black heart and evil intentions. So most of the hate, criticism and backflash was received by Daelyn and her character also played a very important role in destroying her. Her currier was now at stake of, only one step away from destruction. Although Daelyn received most of hate it didn't mean taehyung was saved from it. He got the most bitter words in response from the people he use to call his own, his subjects.

Taehyung and his special team had dealt with the scandal so fast that the it has left the world in shock. From arranging the press conference to clearing out the rumors and dealing with hacker who came out to be a teenager who is obsessed with Daelyn. The hacker was a blood witch, Age around fourteen to fifteen years.

According to the treaty signed between werewolf community and blood witch society he was sent back to his kingdom under the supervision of one of the high ranking officials of werewolf community. Well as he was underage he will not be imprisoned but he will be sent to asylum. And for the safety of both royalties he will be guarded with the best soldiers of blood witch kingdom.

After the press conference it was all clear that there was no affair going between the second youngest prince of werewolf kingdom and the youngest princess of blood witch kingdom. The photos were taken down from the internet and everything was back to normal except some of the people thinking that the photos seemed to be too real Tobe called fake. Well time, money and a sharp brain can surely change the game. And here money was Taehyung, time was Daelyn and sharp brain was of yn.

As yn had helped taehyung in clearing his image. He felt that having her as his mate is not that bad either. She is pretty, smart, kind-hearted, well-mannered and most importantly independent. She was not anything like Daelyn. She was just perfect and now taehyung regretted ignoring her. She was a beauty with brain. She might just have started creating a small place for herself in the handsome true-blooded's heart.

But seems like troubles never keep their ways out of Taehyung's life. He had to tell yn and his brothers the truth about his and Daelyn's relationship when they all talked about the scandal. His brothers were really angry, disappointed and a bit disgusted with him while yn didn't show any reaction. She was more calmer and patient than any of his brothers. Yoongi who rarely shows any emotion was also disappointed at taehyung. The environment of the room was really awkward yet yn spoke to the Bangtan brothers that how should they clean out the mess which has been created.

Just in five hours she has clear up all the rumors about his and Daelyn's relationship making there image appear clean as ever. But in this process yn had lost faith in taehyung, now he was just her mate for name.



Author note:- sorry for small chapter. I have been distracted and feeling void these past weeks. I am really sorry. Please forgive your Author.

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