25. The recognization of love

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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓰𝓷𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮

Kim Daelyn and kim Kiara both are Asian models. But really different from each other. One is infamous meanwhile other one is famous. One is kind while the other is heartless. They are just like the north and south pole, opposite.

Taehyung was back to his hotel room. It was not the first time he had left Daelyn in this miserable situation after all he didn't even cared a penny for her. She was pretty and skinny just how people like to see women these days yet really barren from inside. For Taehyung she was just a plaything not something serious to be taken as. Yet he wanted to meet the woman who will take his breath away, who will be kind and forgiving, who will take care of his father and brothers, who will be strong and independent. He values love more than fated mates. Daelyn is just a time pass.

It's not like that royal blood witch loves him. She is just too blinded by fame and name that she is connected to him. She is obsessed with his looks, body and wealth.

Never a women have had him enchanced not even Daelyn especially on the first sight. But she was something else something beyond the royal prince's understanding.
Kim taehyung certainly could not forget those honey like orbs, that confident posture and those beautiful features. Those mesmerizing eyes dipped in honey sweet, that fierce look, that ocean of emotion happiness which coexisted with the sorrow, pure bliss for something unknown, confidence with some barriers. She was epitome of perfection for the royal prince. And unknowingly he had been caught into her spell of charm.


Jung hosoek has came to Paris for some work related to business. The same work for which Taehyung had came here but certainly it was not something which can be handled by one person.

Taehyung was taking care of most of the work. Hoseok had just come here to finalize and settle the deal with the client. The client meeting was tomorrow and today he had to attend a charity show where well known business figures and musician were coming.

At 7 pm Hoseok's plane had landed and he has to attend the charity event at 8 pm. He straight away called a car which will be taking him to the event. He had already changed in the plane looking fashionable as ever.

Soon the car reached it's destination and the royal prince got out of it with bunch of well built bodyguards from the other car. The bodyguards stayed outside of the venue as Hoseok made his way towards the entrance.

As soon as he entered a staff member took him to his appointed seat which was given to people according to their position in the business world. It was the first seat on the right side of second
row as the first row was preoccupied by the representatives of non-profit firms.

Hoseok sat on his seat and looked around. Many familiar and famous faces were there. Hoseok main work included about fundraising and charity for poor, ill and old. He had a soft corner for kids and it was very tender at some places. He always tries to do everything in his power to help those poor and firm, abandoned children.

The staff member guided a lady who had her seat appointed beside Hoseok. He looked at her simple yet elegant was she. Honey dipped eyes, straight black hair and off white dress. She looked very neat and clean with no make-up just like a natural beauty. Soft features and pleasant smile was enough to make Hoseok's heart run a marathon.

Hoseok was just staring at her but looked on other direction when she turned to look at him. " Hey ." The lady in off white dress said to him. Hoseok look at her direction she was smiling warmly at him as he felt a string of his heart vibrate. " Hello." He replied back with a soft tone as he passed her his famous sunshine smile. " Mr. Jung right, I am Kiara kim, the owner of abandoned angels." She introduced herself to him as he was surprised to know that a popular model like her was the one who actually owned the most number of private old age home, orphanage, homeless shelter and animal shelter for homeless ones. " No need to be formal Miss kim you can just call me Hoseok. " He said to her as she laughed a little and said " Being friendly are we but I don't mind it." Hoseok raised his eyebrow in response as he said " There is no better friend for a men than a women Miss kim." " Only if we looked above love and hatred Hoseok and just call me Kiara." Kiara said to him as he just smiled at her bluntness. " Okay so lady Kiara will you accept a proposal of mine." Hoseok said to her as she looked at him questioningly. " A successful business men always seeks his profit but what profit will he get from me." Kiara thought as she said to him" Sure but which kind of proposal."

" A business proposal but not for marketing rather for the betterment of the ones in need. " Hoseok proposed his proposal to her as she smiled at his then said " If it is for my people them I will surely accept it."

After this none of them shared a single word as the event has started and Kiara had to represent the offerings.


Hoseok has just now reached his hotel room which was near taehyung's but he was not able to meet his brother as he was dead rock tired from the flight journey and the charity event. He changed his clothes and dropped his tired body on the soft bed like a dead body. He was soon in a deep stumbler as he dosed off while thinking about those honey colored pair of eyes and her kind aditude.



Author note:- I had a lot of ideas but was confused that which plot will be most suitable and that is the reason why it took me so long to write this chapter. I am sorry for any inconvenience that I have caused you. Thank you so much for 10k+ readers. I was just too happy that I wanted to make this chapter the perfect although I always give my perfect but positivity boasts ones confidence and that's why I took so much of your time so please if possible forgive your stupid author. But I an still thinking that it is not the most suitable plot. What do you think? If possible give your opinion in comment section.

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