Chapter 18 : Second Year Exam

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As Fujin had expected, the whole marking system for their class had been revamped. He wondered if the same also happened for other elite batches. As for the overall exams, the written exam had 100 points, leaf concentration competition had 20 points, shuriken throwing competition had 20 points, each of the 3 Ninjutsu had 10 points each, and the Taijutsu tournament had 30 points.

In the written exam, he noticed that it had 5 divisions among itself. Each being more difficult than the previous. While it wasn't much hard for him, he had no doubt that 8 year olds from his previous world won't even pass this exam. Seeing how hard the exam was, he purposefully made a mistake in 2 questions worth 2 marks each.

For leaf concentration, the same marking system as the previous year followed. Yori, Hoka, crossed 45 minutes, Nobu dropped at 56th minute, Teru at 59th minute. Hana crossed 1 hour and held it for another 4 minutes. Fujin, knowing that the written exam this year was tougher and not expecting anyone to score full, dropped his leaf after 1 hour 11 minutes.

The shuriken exam also had multiple layers like the written exam. The first was to throw 8 shurikens at a stationary target board. The second was to run alternately to the right and left to a circle drawn on the ground and throw from the circle while running. The third was to hit at the target board that was hanging and swinging like a pendulum. Each of these stages were worth 4 points each. The last stage, worth 8 points, had white plates being launched in the air by Genki. The plates were spinning incredibly fast cashing them to not move at a set path and deviating slightly.

Yori, Teru, Fujin, Nobu, Hoka scored max in the first 3 rounds. Hana struggled in the 2nd round, while scoring full in 1st and 3rd. The 4th round however was tough. 19 students didn't manage to hit even one. And 6, including Hana, managed to hit just 1, Fujin guessed that most of them just scored a lucky hit. Fujin had been observing the plates all the time to try and see a pattern in them. He got some hints, but not enough and it resulted in him wishing, 'Damn, if only I had a sharingan!'

Hoka and Fujin just hit 2. Nobu hit 3 plates, Teru managed to hit 4 and Yori managed to hit 7 of the 8 plates thrown by Genki. Fujin was quite impressed by Yori's performance, especially considering that he hadn't yet awakened his sharingans. After the competition, Yori returned to his smug self.

In Ninjutsu exams, transformation and substitution jutsu were analysed and marked by Genki. For clone jutsu, they were marked depending upon the maximum number of acceptable clones anyone made. Teru made 5 clones and looking at his chakra, Fujin was confident no one else would exceed him. So he created 4 clones. Fujin hid his skills in this exam as he knew that Hana wasn't very good in this aspect and no one apart from her would come close to his score in written exams.

The Taijutsu tournament was similar to the previous year. Only major differences being the Inuzukas performing much better and Fujin having a much stronger body. Right now he could have the seal apply 5.3% of its max pressure. It had improved his physique a lot. He trashed through the majority of his opponents. This time, he ran into Teru in the semifinals and managed to beat him. While Hoka beat Hana in his fight. Yori beat Nobu for rank 5, whereas Teru beat Hana for rank 3.

Against Hoka, the fight was very intense. To Fujin's surprise, his advantage in physique wasn't that great. In the end, he still lost to Hoka. He thought, 'Is he too using seals or something similar to strengthen his body? His performance in Ninjutsu isn't as good as his Taijutsu, and it's better to not talk of his performance in written exams looking at previous year's scores. Sigh, I guess all he does is train in Taijutsu. And my main focus has been on Ninjutsu. Little wonder that I can't beat him.'

After the scores were tallied, the results of the top 5 were

Fujin : 96+20+14+23+29=182

Teru : 81+17+16+30+28=172

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