Chapter 129 : Chaos inside the Hill

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'Earth Release : Mountain Destroyer jutsu'

Chakra poured from Renjiro's palms into the hill. The hill began collapsing. In merely 3 seconds, the entire hill collapsed!

The rogue Kiri nins felt the ground under them trembling. In a second, some rocks began falling! Their expressions grew grim! By then, only 11 ninjas had assembled there. 3 still hadn't made it to that room.

They understood that they needed to escape! However, escaping to the cave entrance would be very dangerous!

Realizing their grim situation, Mitsuzuka made a hand sign. Immediately, a Water Prison began forming around them. He shouted, "Pour your fucking chakra into this jutsu everyone!"

The rogue ninjas wasted no time and immediately began pouring their chakra into Mitsuzuka's Water Prison jutsu. The water prison became larger and denser as a result of everyone's chakra.

Rocks kept falling on it but didn't damage it. However, the first critical time was when the ground under them collapsed. The Water Prison sphere also fell and maintaining its form became very difficult. Through everyone's desperate efforts, they managed to hold on!

The second critical time was when the Water Prison hit the ground after falling! This time, they didn't manage to maintain the sphere. The impact on the ground coupled with the rocks falling on it broke the jutsu! However, 4 ninjas used Water Barrier jutsu to provide protection.

Outside the Hill :

While the hill was collapsing, the Yugakure ninjas were struggling with the traps. Tokuhei erected Earth Walls to protect everyone. The ninjas themselves used kunais to block incoming needles.

They managed to withstand the barrage. Tokuhei breathed in relief when one of them fell to the ground.

Shunso immediately moved towards him. He checked him. Others gathered around him. Shunso said, "He is alright. It's just two needles that hit his thighs."

He removed the needles and observed them. The others got worried thinking that the needles were poisoned. After checking the needles and the fallen ninja, Shunso said, "The needles are coated with some anesthetic medicine. He will probably sleep for some time."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Tokuhei said, "Shunso, stay here and keep him safe. Others follow me. It looks like they have already begun fighting. We can't be left out!"

Fujin, Hoka and Mieko got the front row seat to watch a small hill collapse. However, they weren't very surprised. By now, they had seen a lot of crazy stunts that Renjiro kept pulling.

All three immediately focused on the rogue ninjas inside the debris. Fujin spread his chakra field to sense them. There was no more need for maintaining stealth. He made a few hand signs and prepared a Wind Vacuum Bullet. Hoka and Mieko got ready as well!

Inside the collapsed hill, there was chaos! The 11 who were together managed to avoid critical injuries. However, most of them had minor injuries due to pieces of rocks falling on them. One chunin had a minor concussion.

However, the 3 who weren't along with them suffered. 2 of them specialized in the Water element, while the last one specialized in the Earth element.

All three had woken up due to the ground wave produced by Mitsuzuka. However, they were deep in sleep and woke up a few seconds later. By the time they began moving, the hill had already begun collapsing!

They didn't understand. Similar thoughts ran through their minds, 'What the hell happened? We were having the time of our life before we went to sleep! Why is this happening? That too right after we left that shithole!'

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