Chapter 100 : Lightning Explosion Rain Barrage!

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After Hoka was taken away, Mieko and Fujin looked at each other. Mieko warned, "Fujin, if you keep hiding behind your clones, I'll blow up the whole Arena to make you fight me."

Fujin chucked and replied, "Good luck with that." Mieko was annoyed but didn't retort anymore.

They both entered the arena and stood opposite each other. Fujin didn't look at Mieko's face for obvious reasons.

While waiting for Inoichi to announce, Fujin calculated, 'The half-hour break was good. The last two fights cost me around 28% of my chakra. I recovered my chakra up to 80%.

As for Mieko, though she had only one fight, she did use quite a few Fireballs. So even she only has around 80% of chakra left even after the break.

As for Yumi, her reserves dropped to less than 40%. So unless my and Mieko's fight goes on for hours, she won't recover much.

Considering that my maximum reserves are more than double of these two, I should be fine as long as I end this fight with over 30% of my chakra still remaining.'

As he was calculating, Inoichi announced, "The second semi-final starts now, BEGIN!"

As usual, Fujin began the fight with a Wind Explosion jutsu thrown at the very instant Inoichi announced the start of the fight.

Expecting it, Mieko flickered to get out of the way. And then flickered again to attack Fujin.

Instead of engaging her, Fujin flickered into the woods. Mieko followed him. Fujin kept flickering among the woods to create distance from Mieko, while Mieko kept following him with her Sharingan. So both just kept flickering.

The stadium was very confused and awed. Soon after Inoichi announced the match, they saw Fujin throwing a wind sphere that exploded. And at the same time, both Mieko and Fujin disappeared!

Raido exclaimed, "So fast!"
Many chunins in the audience were having difficulties keeping a track of Fujin and Mieko.

After flickering a dozen times, Fujin thought, 'Her flickering speed has improved. Not enough to match me though. I guess she can barely keep a track of me due to her Sharingan.'

Mieko frowned, 'Is he planning to exhaust my chakra by making me flicker so many times?'

Fujin indeed had that thought, 'Should I just keep flickering until she runs out of chakra? I'm better than her at using Body Flicker, meaning that I need less chakra. And despite having to fight twice, my chakra reserve is still higher than hers. So I should have enough chakra left for the final. That said, I don't think she'll act that dumb.'

After analyzing, Fujin concluded that Mieko won't keep chasing him for long. So instead of giving her the initiative, Fujin decided to change tactics. He smirked, 'Let's try that tactic. I could sense that even Renjiro was annoyed by it! Knowing Mieko, she'll be fuming in no time. Haha'

He created a Wind clone while
flickering. The Wind clone stayed in his position and prepared two Wind Explosion jutsus. As soon as Mieko appeared, he threw them at her.

Mieko scowled as she dodged. She threw a few shurikens at the clone. The clone noticed wires attached to the shurikens. He smirked and flickered away. Mieko scowled even more, 'This bastard is infuriating me even more!'

She ignored the clone and flickered towards Fujin. However, this time she was blocked by four Wind clones!

All four clones surrounded her and threw Wind Explosion jutsus on her. She dodged them, but still got a few small cuts. She tried attacking them, but they flickered away as well.

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