Chapter 195 : The Massacre

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A/N: Hey guys. I'd like to clarify one point. According to the canon timeline, Shisui died around 1-2 years before the Uchiha massacre. Itachi becomes an Anbu captain sometime after his death. However, I don't think the flashbacks in the manga ever stated the time between these events or even the fact that Itachi became an Anbu Captain after Shisui's death (correct me if I recall incorrectly). And I skipped the fillers in the anime after the fourth great ninja war started.

So I wasn't aware of the huge time gap between Shisui's death and the massacre and assumed that they happened in quick succession as they were shown in the manga. By the time I realized this, the story had long crossed the point when Shisui should have died (it should have been around the time Fujin graduated or when he was in the Genin squad). So, unfortunately, the timing of Shisui's death will not be consistent with the canon. The rest stays the same (with a few obvious changes I made).


Since it was getting late, most of the Uchiha clan members were in their homes with their families. For them, it was like any other evening. Their Jounins were aware that they would have to fight a tough war very soon. So they cherished their peaceful days with their family unaware of the tragedy about to befall them!

As soon as Itachi and Obito appeared in the clan, both immediately began the massacre. Obito freely moved through the walls and attacked the unsuspecting Uchihas. Itachi too flickered into their homes. Since he was the son of the clan leader, no one expected him to attack when he did. They began slaughtering the Uchihas with extreme ease and stealth.

While slaughtering, Itachi showed up in Uchiha Akihiko's house. Akihiko was having dinner with his wife and children when he suddenly got up and turned around to face the intruder. He squinted his eyes on seeing Itachi wondering what he was doing here. Most of the top-tier ninjas in the Uchiha clan were disappointed in Itachi and slightly suspicious of him. Unlike others who didn't expect any attack from the son of their leader, Akihiko was on guard and asked, "Why did you show up unannounced?"

Without replying, Itachi attacked him with his blade. Akihiko didn't have any weapons on him. He tried to move out of the way. Unfortunately, his body reacted a split second slower. That was sufficient time for Itachi's blade to slit his throat open.

Akihiko's family were shocked. However, before they could scream in horror, Itachi dealt with them too.

Some distance away from Akihiko's house, Obito entered Mieko's home. They too were having dinner. Both of Mieko's parents were at the Jounin rank. Sensing that someone had broken into their home, they both got up and prepared themselves. Mieko noticed her parents' actions and got alert as well.

She asked softly, "What happened, Mother?"

Her mother replied, "Someone has broken into our house. Stay on guard."

At the next moment, Obito appeared in front of them. Not identifying the masked intruder, Mieko's father made hand signs rapidly without caring about his house.

'Fire Release: Fireball jutsu!'

A massive fireball appeared in front of Obito who thought, 'Interesting. Their house had seals to alert them. Unfortunately, I can't let this fireball explode.'

He stood without moving and let the fireball reach him. However, instead of the fireball hitting him, the Uchiha family was surprised to see the fireball being sucked into his mask.

Taking advantage of the surprise, Obito went on the attack without giving them any time. Obito's speed was much higher than the three. Combined with their sluggish moments, they didn't last even a few seconds against him. Mieko saw in horror as both her parents were beheaded! Tears rolled down her eyes.

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