Chapter 143 : New Routine & Advanced Fuinjutsu

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Fujin woke up at 4:30 AM. After freshening up, he turned up his training seal's power to 60% and left for the training ground he had booked.

He began the physical training that Renjiro used to put them under. He trained hard till 9 AM.

After a short break to rest and eat, he began practicing the Air Bullet Jutsu. His aim was to reduce its required hand signs to zero!

He trained for a couple of hours, before taking a break for lunch. He trained another couple of hours after lunch, till his chakra started to drop low.

He sighed, 'So stupid... I didn't consider the fact that I will run out of chakra! Especially while practicing B rank jutsus. Anyways, what to do...

I could increase my stamina by consuming soldier pills. But it won't be healthy in the long run. I guess I should just devote time to other activities.

When I am close to running out of chakra, I should go to the library and read Fuinjutsu scrolls. Though Ichiraku comes first. And once my chakra has regenerated, I can do something less chakra intensive. So I suppose Taijutsu or Kenjutsu.

Alright, let's do that. I'll practice sword fighting with a shadow clone.'

Fujin left for Ichiraku. He filled his stomach with a few bowls of ramen and went to the library.

He thought, 'I have completed the Fuinjutsu scrolls from Sections E and D during the academy days. Let's see what the scroll in Section C has.'

He entered the C section of the library. He searched for a bit and found the scroll he was looking for.

He grabbed the scroll and went to a desk and sat down. The title of the scroll was - 'Intermediate Fuinjutsu Guide'
He opened it and began reading it.

He read the entire scroll in one go and summarized, 'So Finger Carving Seal is at Intermediate level. And so is the Five Seal Barrier... Considering that this Barrier stopped a Jinchuriki, a medical ninja surpassed only by Tsunade, an S rank ninja and a former S rank ninja, I thought that it would be much higher in rank... Still, it is very complicated. Learning it will be tough.

Binding Cloth is also here. It was what was used to seal the edo tensei. But, the seal tag isn't here. Binding cloth without that sealing tag is kinda useless.

And lastly, there are details about making Explosion Tags.

Sigh, there isn't much in this scroll. It was disappointing. I hope that the scroll in the B section has better and more Fuinjutsu.'

He closed the scroll, put it back where it was and went to the B section.

The number of scrolls in the B section was very low. But, when he found what he was looking for, he was surprised!

Fujin thought, 'What the hell? The C section barely had anything related to Fuinjutsu. And this section has 6 scrolls?'

He began reading the names of each scroll. They were titled -
Advanced Fuinjutsu Theory
Miscellaneous Seals I
Miscellaneous Seals II
Miscellaneous Seals III
Battlefield Seals
Sealing Tags

Fujin grabbed the Advanced Fuinjutsu Theory scroll and began reading. This scroll had a lot of advanced-level theories about Fuinjutsu. It introduced a few more special characters that were needed to make more seals. And it described the information about other scrolls.

After reading, Fujin analyzed, 'So many additional theories. But many of them haven't been implemented successfully yet.

Anyways, the Miscellaneous Seals scrolls apparently have a lot of seals to make daily life easier. They were made for the benefit of the common people and to promote safer trade and transport. Looks like it was a project undertaken by Uzushiogakure. But left incomplete due to its destruction.

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