Chapter 20 : Wind Release (1)

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[A/N : The number of wind style jutsu in canon is pitiful. Even the fillers mostly have similar variants of canon jutsu with very little change, but do the same shit. So I'll be using wind jutsu from games or even fan created ones. I'll also make up some wind jutsu at some point later in this fanfic]

On the 21st day of his vacation, Fujin made his way to the library. On the road, he thought about a lot of wind style jutsu. His thoughts were, 'Finally I'll be starting with wind release jutsu. In the series, Wind was probably the least powerful element. Though Naruto had wind nature, all he used was Rasenshuriken. Temari did have a lot of jutsu, but she used a giant fan! Kakazu used Pressure Damage, which was very lethal. I think there was also Great Breakthrough used by Orochimaru and probably Gale Palm used by someone. And lastly, Danzo used his vacuum jutsu, which were very lethal. Sadly, other than Temari, no one else specialized in Wind jutsu. And the number of wind jutsu were very low too.

Luckily this world does have a lot more wind release jutsu. I might be able to form a comprehensive battle system through it. Last time I just read their names. This time I'll be reading their scrolls too. And then decide the set of jutsu to practice. Still I wish I could have got to read the descriptions of higher ranked wind jutsu as well. It'd have been very helpful in order to decide.

On reaching there, he went through entire sections E and D and made a list of all available wind release jutsu. They were :

Gale Jutsu (E)

Wind Clone (E)

Wind Levitation (E)

Projectile Control Jutsu (E)

Wind Retrieving Jutsu (E)

Gale Surge (D)

Breakthrough (D)

Dust Cloud (D)

Slashing Wind Skill (D)

Wind Explosion (D)

Propelling Winds (D)

The first question for Fujin was, 'Why was Wind Clone merely a rank E jutsu?' On reading the scroll, he understood why. Wind clone was extremely simple. Elemental clones were like normal clones, just that they were made of elements. That's why they could perform attacks. They got dispelled upon getting hit. Since the material needed for a wind clone was basically the air around, it was extremely simple to make it.

However, it was still quite useful, and something he definitely was going to learn.

He continued reading the rest of the jutsu to understand what they did. He first read all the rank E jutsu. After reading them, he analysed, 'These jutsu aren't lethal. Actually they don't have much use in battle either if compared to other jutsu, instead, I think that they are the means to improve the control of the wind element. I think they will be very important in the future when I will be learning more complex and powerful wind jutsu.

Wind Levitation is basically using winds in order to raise inanimate objects in air. The weight of the object that can be levitated and the height to which it can be carried as well as the time for which it can be levitated depends on the user's control over the wind element as well as their stamina and focus.

Projectile Control Jutsu uses Wind to control the projectiles launched around the user. So a shuriken or a thrown kunai or senbon can be manipulated to change direction with the help of winds.

Wind Retrieving Jutsu uses winds to pull objects towards the user. It's similar to Nagato's Universal Pull, except it's done with the help of winds and power depends entirely on the user.

And Gale Jutsu just creates a small windflow in a direction. It doesn't cause any harm, but has a couple of good uses. For example, it could be used to cover up any footsteps left behind, or change the direction of winds around you to restrict the directions your scent can be carried to. Besides, it probably also serves as a base to all wind jutsu that involves blowing out air.'

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