Chapter 133 : Mission Incomplete

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While Renjiro and Mitsuzuka clashed, Renjiro's clone and Tokuhei also clashed with their opponent. Tokuhei's opponent was Arihyoshi Juichi. They stood face to face on the sea.

Juichi taunted, "Tokuhei, we have heard about you. You are a strong Earth Release user. But…" He smirked and continued, "But, we are at sea. How will you fight me here?"

Tokuhei wasn't affected by his opponent's attempt at disturbing him. He calmly said, "You ninjas from the big 5 villages need to stop underestimating us."

He made a hand sign, "Since I dared to chase you, it means that the result of this battle will only be your death!"

Tokuhei opened his mouth wide. He spat out rocks and mud from his mouth. Soon, a small, 5-meter radius island formed in the middle of the sea.

Juichi was surprised at Tokuhei's skill! He thought, 'He is very good. No wonder Mitsuzuka asked us to not fight against him on land!'

Tokuhei made a few more hand signs.
'Earth Release : Rock Dragon jutsu'
He spat out a 20-meter-long Rock Dragon!

Juichi was surprised once again. He quickly moved backwards and made a few hand signs.
'Water Release : Water Bullet jutsu!'

He spat a few dozen water bullets at Tokuhei and the Rock Dragon. But the Rock Dragon moved and got in front of Tokuhei. All the Water bullets hit the Rock dragon. But, apart from a few scratches, no damage was done.

Juichi swallowed his saliva, 'Such strong defense!'

Tokuhei smirked on seeing Juichi's reaction. He controlled the Rock Dragon to move towards Juichi. Juichi instantly dived underwater. Tokuhei jumped on his dragon and followed him.

Inside the water, Tokuhei again made a few hand signs. The Rock Dragon opened its mouth and spat multiple mud bullets at Juichi. Juichi was surprised, but he dodged them all.

Juichi made a few hand signs while running.
'Water Release : Water Dragon jutsu'

A water dragon formed and moved towards Tokuhei. The Rock and Water dragons clashed. The Rock Dragon just moved through the Water Dragon, completely crushing it. Juichi was dumbfounded!
He screamed internally, 'What the hell is this thing made of?'

This matchup was very unfair for Juichi. The Earth element is strong against the Water element. Of course, Juichi himself isn't strong enough. Unlike Renjiro and Mitsuzuka, he couldn't make his Water Dragon explode on contact. So the damage output of his jutsu was quite low.

Juichi was very annoyed by the battle so far. He immediately made a few hand signs.
'Water Release : Water Clone jutsu'

Four water clones appeared around him. They immediately dispersed and surrounded Tokuhei. Juichi made more hand signs.
'Water Release : Great Current jutsu'

A water current formed in front of Juichi. It engulfed Tokuhei and his Rock Dragon. They began getting dragged backwards along the water current. Tokuhei exerted more chakra on his Rock Dragon to get out of this current.

This provided an opening for Juichi's clones. They immediately used Water Bullet jutsu on Tokuhei. Each clone shot a dozen bullets. Despite the strong water current around Tokuhei, each bullet hit its target!

Tokuhei saw the incoming attack and made a hand sign.
'Earth Release : Iron Skin jutsu'

All 48 water bullets hit him. However, he didn't suffer any damage at all! Juichi and his clones were speechless!

Juichi's eyes went red in anger. He screamed in his mind, 'You know what, Screw you!'

He made eye contact with his water clones. His water clones moved and made hand signs.
'Water Release : Great Current Jutsu'

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