Chapter 44 : Combination Jutsus

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One day, when the 10 am session began, Renjiro said, "I have taught you one combination jutsu. And you can see how strong it is. I want you guys to think about more jutsus you can use in combination with each other. It doesn't have to be as strong as Fire-Wind dragon jutsu, but it should increase your capabilities in some way. So think about it, but don't experiment. I'll meet you guys at 11" He then flickered away, without giving anyone a chance to say anything.

Hoka said, "So what do we do?" Fujin, who had already thought a few over the past couple of weeks said, "Well let's just think about it. And then discuss to see if everyone is fine with the idea." Mieko said, "Alright"

After around 15 minutes, Mieko said "Hoka, can your Water element mix with my Fire element?" Hoka asked in a confused manner, "But how, won't my water douse your fire?" Mieko smirked and said, "No it won't. Fish Spit jutsu is the only one you have that can generate a stream of jutsu, and it is very weak compared to my jutsus. So my Fire jutsu will evaporate all your water and create a lot of steam." Hoka fell into a thought after hearing it. Fujin was quite surprised with this suggestion. He thought, 'I didn't expect this brat to come up with something like this.' He said, "Yeah, it'll generate a lot of steam, but can either of you control it?" Both shook their heads. Fujin replied, "In that case, that can only be used to create a cover and hide ourselves." Mieko sighed dejectedly and began thinking again. After a couple of minutes, Fujin said "I have one idea. We can create a double layered defense. My Spinning Shield of Wind jutsu can stop and reflect all thrown weapons and some weaker Ninjutsu. However, if the enemy uses strong Ninjutsu, it'll be breached. So my idea is to create a shield of wind, and right after that, Hoka will create a Rock Shield behind the shield to cover us further." Hoka thought and nodded, "Yes, that could work." However Mieko groaned and said, "Hey, don't leave me out!" Fujin chuckled and said, "Actually I have one more idea. Hoka, can you use your Rock Shield jutsu?" Hoka was confused and asked, "But didn't sensei tell us to not test anything?" Fujin replied, "He said that to prevent us from causing an accident. Just using Rock Shield jutsu will be fine. Also, quickly move behind a few metres after using the jutsu." Hoka nodded and got up. He performed the jutsu and quickly jumped back. Fujin thought, 'Not fast enough.' He then said, "Alright, do it again. Only this time, I'll throw a small pebble on you. Dodge that by moving backwards." Hoka made the hand signs and slammed his hands on the ground. Fujin waited for the jutsu to be completed. As soon as it was completed, he threw the pebble on Hoka. Hoka quickly dodged back. Fujin nodded and said, "Alright, that's fast enough." Mieko asked, "So what's the big idea?" Fujin replied, "I'm thinking that both of us should learn this jutsu too. If we do, then as soon as Hoka uses the jutsu and jumps back, one of us can create another rock shield behind his and repeat the same. This way a multi-tiered defense can be made on the fly. Another idea is, if all 3 of us can channel our chakra in the same rock shield, then will the shield become sturdier or will it become larger? If that works, then it'll be very useful too."

Both Hoka and Mieko nodded and agreed. They began brainstorming once again and came up with a few more ideas. At 11 am, Renjiro reappeared. He asked, "So, what did you guys think of?"

Fujin started, "We came up with an idea of a multi-tiered defense. The basic idea is for me to use Spinning Shield of Wind jutsu and Hoka to use the Rock Shield jutsu to create the rock shield behind my shield of wind. And we can create more tiers by having Hoka move back as soon as he creates the jutsu and then Mieko could create another Rock Shield and repeat the same." Renjiro was actually surprised by this idea and asked, "What exactly are you planning to defend from?" Mieko and Hoka looked at Fujin, who replied, "Umm... A very strong jutsu?" Renjiro rebuked him saying, "If an enemy uses a jutsu so strong that you need to do this, then you are out of your league and need to retreat. Also it's never a good idea to have everyone in the squad defending. Also, Rock Shield jutsu isn't the strongest defensive jutsu. There are many more who can do a much better job. For now, the combination of Spinning Shield of Wind jutsu and 1 Rock Shield jutsu is enough. However, if you and Mieko want to learn Rock Shield jutsu, go for it. It's quite handy in combat."

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