Chapter 199 : Renjiro's Past & Hoka's Conviction

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Renjiro continued, "They weren't as talented as you three. But they were very cheerful and worked hard. After two years of training under me, they were all promoted to chunins. I was very proud and fond of them.

Unfortunately, at the start of the third great ninja war, the army they were a part of was ambushed by an elite army of Kumogakure led by the current Raikage and the Jinchuriki of Eight Tailed Beast. The entire army was annihilated with no survivors. We never even got their dead bodies back."

He stayed silent for some time. Fujin and Hoka didn't disturb him. He continued, "In the war, I was deployed on the coastline the entire time. So I never had any opportunity to seek justice for them. Even if I did, I doubt I'd be able to take revenge on a future Kage and a perfect Jinchuriki. The sorrow made me determined to never take another squad of fresh genins as students. Until lord Hokage forced me to train you guys.

Seeing your talent, I was convinced that as long as you three grew up safely, there won't be many who could kill you. At worst, you will always be able to abandon the mission and escape."

He stopped talking for a minute before sighing, "However, I never imagined that my student would die in the village rather than on the battlefield."

He placed his hands on Fujin's and Hoka's heads and said gently, "Ensure that you two stay safe and alive. Don't make me attend the funerals of all the students I trained."

Fujin and Hoka said, "Yes Sensei."

Renjiro had a sad smile on his face. He left, leaving Fujin and Hoka alone. Both stood in front of Mieko's grave silently for some time. After a few minutes, Hoka asked, "Do you have any plans, Fujin?"

Fujin shook his head and said, "No. I just plan to focus a lot on training. The next time something like this happens, I hope to have the power to make a difference."

Hoka heard him. He didn't understand how Fujin could have made a difference in this matter. But he understood why Fujin wanted to become stronger. He said, "Let's both train Fujin. I want to hunt down Uchiha Itachi!"

His words shocked Fujin, who immediately looked at him. Though he was very serious a moment ago, he couldn't help but think, 'Shit, Renjiro will lose another student!'

He eliminated that thought from his head and said, "He slaughtered his entire clan. I went on a mission with Mieko earlier and saw how strong the Jounins in their clan were. I doubt we both together could beat one. And yet Itachi, who is only 1 year older than us, killed the entire clan!"

Hoka frowned. He thought and said, "He let the power go into his head. As long as he doesn't keep getting stronger and we keep training, we will eventually catch up with him. Then we can make a move."

Once again, Hoka surprised Fujin. This time it was the conviction with which he spoke. Fujin looked into his eyes and stared at him. However, Hoka's gaze didn't falter. Fujin smiled and said, "Yeah, eventually we will be stronger."

He raised his fist and said, "Three years."

Hoka was confused.

Fujin continued, "I will gain the Jounin rank officially in three years and challenge sensei to a fight. I know you have never managed to beat me. If you want to hunt Itachi, beat me when we meet after 3 years."

This time Hoka was surprised by Fujin's confidence. Hoka smiled and bumped Fujin's fist. Both left in different directions. Fujin smiled thinking, 'If he stays true to the decision he made today, Hoka will get strong. Very strong. I wonder what an S rank Hyuga would be like. But regardless, chasing after Itachi is suicide.

Not to mention his own prowess, there will also be Kisame or Juzo with him. And with Zetsu monitoring everything, Obito too could get involved. So it's best that I don't let Hoka seek a pointless death. After all, Mieko is already dead and it isn't really Itachi's fault. If anyone has to be blamed, then it would be Obito, the village elders and the Uchiha clan higher-ups.'

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