Chapter 35 : Genin Squad

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The next couple of days were very hectic for Hiruzen. Grouping the fresh genins and assigning them their sensei involved a lot of paperwork and analysis. A lot of discussion had to be done with the academy teachers as well as with the decided sensei.

He first started by forming teams of three. He thought, 'In all 135 students became genin this year. Over 200 from 6th year failed and they will be added to the genin reserve forces. As for the ones that passed this year, the 94 from the 6th year don't have much hope. We had already graduated the talented people from their year earlier. Even if just a quarter of them became chuunin, then that will be enough. So I will just assign chuunins to guide them.

As for the 41 who graduated early, all have good potential. They all should at least become chuunin, and around half have the potential to become a special jounin. So I'll have to arrange 14 jounin sensei for them. Even though Konoha's numbers have almost recovered, we are still weaker than before the 3rd Great Ninja War when it comes to high-end power. So we need to train all 41 of them with the intention of raising them to jounin rank. Even if not everyone becomes a special jounins, becoming an elite chuunin will be sufficient. As for becoming jounin, it's hard to say. I'm confident that Uchiha Mieko will become a jounin, just like Senju Teru from the previous year. Just like him, she has the potential to become an elite Jounin. But I can't comment on others. Sigh, I hope that we get at least 10-12 jounin from this batch. The Kyubi attack killed a lot of our jounins.'

He then called the academy teachers to begin forming the teams and got busy with required paperwork. After the academy teachers prepared a rough draft, however there were a few disagreements like every year. They approached the Hokage to discuss it.

Hiruzen said, "So which are the top teams you formed?"

Genki replied immediately, "According to their performance, Hatake Rei, Uchiha Mieko, Suzuki Fujin, Hyuga Hoka and Hyuga Hana show the highest potential. However, Rei's performance was high due to his conditions back home. Now that his mother has been treated, we can't be sure if he'll train with the same gusto. And the two Hyuga can't be on the same team. So I propose forming a team of Uchiha Mieko, Suzuki Fujin and Hyuga Hoka."

However, soon another teacher, who was the class teacher to Hatake Rei spoke, "I disagree. In a mere half year, Rei has made huge progress. In fact, his talent can be considered even above Mieko. He should be placed within the top squad. I suggest making a squad consisting of Mieko, Rei and Fujin."

Another teacher commented, "Actually, Fujin is just a civilian orphan. His future won't be as smooth as the children from shinobi clans. Even his Great Breakthrough jutsu was provided to him by Genki. So I think that a squad of Rei, Mieko and Hoka might be more optimal."

Genki rebutted him, "I disagree. Even though Fujin is just a civilian with no background, his performance has been the most consistent in my class. He deserves to be on that squad. Not to mention, he is also a sensor and has wind affinity. Being a sensor, he'll compliment the Byakugan. And his wind release jutsus would assist Mieko's fire release jutsus and make them more lethal. Also, both him and Hoka kind of have a rivalry in Taijutsu. So their teamwork would be much better." He secretly thought, 'Not to mention that they are so aloof that they barely had any other friendships. So I have no idea whether they can cooperate with others.'

The previous teacher was about to rebuke him again, "But...." However, he was cut by Hiruzen, "Alright that's enough. I have decided. The squad will be made of Mieko, Fujin and Hoka."

Rei's class teacher was visibly upset over this. He was about to speak, when Hiruzen said, "Their jounin sensei will be Senju Renjiro." The teachers were confused by this revelation. One asked, "But Lord Hokage, we hadn't selected him to be a sensei, had we?"

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