Chapter 103 : RIP Gato

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After the announcement, the crowd dispersed. Only a few who had bet on Fujin went to the spot where Payouts were made. Fujin too flickered to that spot so as to not be stuck in any long lines.

Fujin assumed he'd be the first one there, but he was wrong. Another person had flickered there before him.

Fujin's eyes twitched. He said, "Hello Sensei."
Renjiro chuckled and replied, "Hello Fujin. Congrats on winning the tournament."
Fujin nodded while thinking, 'What a teacher!'
Renjiro asked, "Would you like to go first?"
Fujin shook his head and replied, "No, you can go first sensei." He thought, 'Let me see how much money you are making!'

Renjiro chuckled, guessing Fujin's thoughts, and walked to the counter. The bookie looked at the teacher-student duo. At that time, 2 Anbu ninjas flickered in.

Renjiro didn't pay attention and placed 30 golden tickets with Fujin's name on them on the table!

Fujin's eyes popped out on seeing that! He thought, 'He's fucking rich!!! I should ask him for the rewards instead of Hiruzen! WAIT, I should ask for my share!'

The bookie was also frightened! 30 gold tickets meant that he would have to pay out 120 million Ryo! He looked at Renjiro, who just maintained a smile.

However, the bookie felt as if he was looking at a demon!

The bookie thought, 'The total bets that were placed in the auction was just 110 million Ryo. The payout to him alone would put us at a loss of 10 million Ryo!'

He wondered if he could avoid paying the money. But he shook his head thinking, 'Konoha would skin me alive. They would likely uproot Gato's entire business too! We have no choice!'

He gritted his teeth and paid Renjiro 120 million Ryo! Anyone who held gambling was required to hold 150 million Ryo extra in case they incurred a loss. So he could still make the payment.

Renjiro smiled and sealed the suitcases containing money in a scroll.

Fujin looked at his sensei checking all the money and storing it. He wondered, 'Do all Senju love to bet?'

He sighed and went forward. For some reason, the joy of winning money had diminished a lot! He put forth 6 silver tickets on the table.

The bookie smiled bitterly. He now knew that both of them were aware of how strong Fujin was! This decision to host the gamble was a huge mistake!

The bookie paid Fujin 2.4 million Ryo. Fujin checked and stored them away.

By now, a few others had arrived. They were shocked to see that Fujin had bet on himself. Some were impressed by his self-confidence.

Renjiro smiled on seeing his student earning some money as well. He put his hand on Fujin's shoulder and said, "Watch. It will be entertaining."

Fujin immediately looked at the two Anbu ninjas. One of them went ahead, and placed 20 golden tickets on the table!

The bookie's face became blue! He screamed in his mind, 'Almost half the bets were placed on him? Fucking Konoha scums!' He began shaking in anger. However, the anbu showed no reaction. The bookie gritted his teeth and handed him 80 million Ryo!

Fujin watched with his eyes widened. He looked at the 2nd Anbu and thought, 'Don't tell me!'

The second Anbu stepped forward and placed another 20 golden tickets on the table! The bookie was shocked at Konoha's shamelessness!

Fujin too was dumbfounded, 'What the fuck? I know Hiruzen is shameless but to this extent?'

The bookie began thinking, 'Over 70 million Ryo were bet on him! Why weren't we informed? What the fuck was the guy who was accepting the bets doing?' He immediately began cursing him.

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