Chapter 189 : Another Get-Together

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[A/N : Hey guys. This chapter is Sponsored by Artjokia. You can thank Artjokia for the double release on a Saturday.]

Renjiro replied, "Sure. Right after you show me what you are hiding under your home."

Fujin wasn't surprised. He nodded and replied casually, "Sure. That sounds like a fair deal."

He walked to the staircase and made a hand seal. Renjiro followed thinking, 'Meaning that it's not a fair deal.'

The stairways to the basement appeared. Fujin and Renjiro entered the basement. Fujin showed him the Meditation room, Gravity room and Dodging Practice room.

Renjiro was impressed with his student. He said, "You have done a great job with the seals. These are among the best training rooms I have seen. That said, no one puts so much effort into training rooms either."

Fujin said, "To be honest, the advantages they provide aren't very significant. I just had a lot of time on my hands and needed to practice inscribing seals."

Renjiro replied, "Though the benefits provided by the rooms are very small, they will add up over time."

Fujin nodded, "Yeah."

Renjiro asked, "Why are the other rooms empty?"

Fujin replied, "I don't have any ideas regarding any more training rooms. If I get my hands on some elemental stones, I can make a few elemental training rooms like in the Tower in the Forest of Death. But that doesn't seem like an option for now. I'll just set up what I want in those rooms if I have any good ideas."

Renjiro nodded. He realized that Fujin had left a lot of space for any future use he might have. Both headed down to the lowest level. A weird expression formed on Renjiro's face once again. He asked in a confused voice, "Why is this entire floor empty?"

Fujin had already cleared all the mannequins. He said, "I designed this place to try new jutsus and have some space to move around freely."

Renjiro looked at Fujin and asked, "Is this all you were hiding?"

Fujin looked back at him and asked, "What were you expecting Sensei? An elemental stone mine?"

Renjiro's face went dark because of Fujin's question. He thought, 'His tongue sure has gotten sharper.'

He commented, "Nothing much, just something worth hiding."

Fujin smirked in his mind while thinking, 'Who'd hide something worth hiding in their home? That's the first place anyone would look for in case they are ever suspected.'

Fujin ignored his comment and asked, "Anyways sensei, you promised to teach me the Multi Shadow Clone jutsu!"

Renjiro replied, "I am tired. I'll just show you the hand signs and how it is done. You can practice by yourself."

Renjiro made the hand signs. Soon, 5 shadow clones appeared around him. Renjiro explained to Fujin how the Shadow Clone and Multi Shadow Clone jutsus were different.

Fujin followed his instructions and weaved the hand signs.

'Multi Shadow Clone jutsu'

Immediately, 5 shadow clones appeared around him. Fujin smiled, 'Another jutsu down. This one will be very helpful.'

Renjiro said, "That's good. Just practice until you have it down. Also, this is a forbidden jutsu as it can lower your chakra to dangerous levels. So be careful of how many shadow clones you try to make."

Having taught Fujin for almost a year, Renjiro wasn't concerned about him messing up as long as he knew how cautious Fujin was.

Fujin nodded, "Alright Sensei."

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