Learning Sage Mode

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Senju Renjiro returned to the beach. He found his clone, students and 5 Yugakure chunins waiting there. Shunso had joined the 3 Yugakure chunins along with their sleeping teammate. They had set up a couple of tents. Renjiro entered the tent of his students. He informed his students of how his fight went and they decided to wait for others to return,

Late in the afternoon, Tokuhei and the remaining two chunins returned to the beach. Renjiro asked, "What's the status of your opponents?"
Tokuhei replied, "Mine managed to run away."
The chunins replied, "Our opponent ran away as well. We tried searching, but couldn't find anyone."

Renjiro nodded and said, "From 13 chunins and 3 Jounins, only 2 Jounins and 1 chunin are left. And we suffered no casualties. The mission can be considered a success. The ones who escaped will not dare to return here again. And once the news spreads, other rogue ninjas also won't dare to create chaos in the Land of Hot Water."

Tokuhei asked, "Which other jounin managed to escape?"
Renjiro answered, "I killed Mitsuzuka. Fumimaro managed to injure my clone and escaped."

Tokuhei breathed a sigh of relief. He said, "Good. As long as Mitsuzuka is dead, this mission can be considered a success."

Renjiro nodded and handed him a scroll. He said, "His body is inside it."
Tokuhei accepted the scroll. Renjiro looked at Fujin and said, "Give him the body of the ninja you killed as well."
Fujin nodded and handed the scroll to Tokuhei.

Tokuhei chatted more about the mission. He talked with his subordinates as well to understand everything that took place.

With the mission over, Team Renjiro returned to Konoha. Renjiro said, "I'll report the mission's success to Lord Hokage. You guys can leave."

Everyone nodded and left.

Fujin was considering what his future actions should be while heading home. As he was walking in his thoughts, he saw something in the corner of his eye. He turned his head to the right to see a man with long white hair peeking in through a hole. He looked up to see what the man was peeking into. Fujin's eyes twitched as he read the sign. It read 'Konoha Hot Springs'.
The man was peeking into the Women's section of the bath.

Fujin's eyes glowed as he observed the man. His chakra was humongous! He sighed as he thought, 'Pervy Sage... What an appropriate name. A shame that he won't get that name for a few more years. Still, I wonder what he's doing here. Did he come back to report something to Hiruzen? Or did Hiruzen call him back due to the threat of the coup? His presence could make the Uchihas more cautious.'

Jiraiya sensed someone looking at him and turned around. He saw an eleven-year-old boy staring at him with glowing eyes. He thought, 'What does this kid want? I hope he doesn't interfere in my research.'

He was about to continue peeking when the boy's chakra suddenly spiked. He began making hand signs rapidly. Jiraiya panicked, 'What the hell? Since when did young brats begin having Jounin-level chakra? And why the hell is he making hand signs for the Air Bullet jutsu? Does he want to destroy the bath house?'

Jiraiya immediately flickered and appeared next to Fujin and grabbed his hands. He asked, "Calm down kiddo. What are you doing?"
Fujin looked into his eyes and said, "Grandpa said that all perverts must be caught, castrated and tied to a pole to be whipped publicly to death."
Jiraiya's eyes twitched. He asked, "Which crazy old man is your grandpa?"
Fujin replied, "Lord Third. Now let my hands go and accept your punishment."
Jiraiya's eyes twitched once again. He complained in his mind, 'How many young kids is that old man going to fool into calling him grandpa? And since when did he become so righteous? No, this doesn't sound like him at all. He is as perverted as me!'

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