Chapter 179 : Fierce Clash in the Grassland!

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The two Priests weaved hand signs quickly.

'Water Release: Waterfall Jutsu'

'Lightning Release: False Darkness Jutsu'

One of the Priests expelled a huge amount of water at the Konoha ninjas. It formed a huge wave and headed towards the Konoha ninjas. The other fired his Lightning jutsu into the Water, electrifying it.

A smile formed on Fujin's face, 'This isn't like that Noodle Thief. These guys are strong.'

Fujin gathered a huge amount of chakra. For the first time in a long while, he showed off his entire chakra. The sudden spike in his chakra gained the attention of the Uchihas around him. They were about to do multiple flickers when they felt Fujin's chakra spiking.

Mieko looked at him and wondered, 'When did his chakra grow so much? It is almost as high as some of the Jounins in my clan.'

Akihiko and Masaru were shocked as well. They both thought, 'What chakra! It's almost as if he is from the Senju or Uzumaki clan!'

Akihiko thought, 'If he doesn't get involved in the coup, then his future will be very bright.'

While Masaru thought, 'Shit, his chakra level isn't far away from my own level!'

Fujin rapidly converted his chakra into the wind element.

'Wind Release: Infinite Breakthrough Jutsu'

He exhaled a huge wind. It hit the incoming electrocuted water wave. The high-speed winds halted the water wave. It pierced into the wave and neutralized the electric charges within it. However, the water wave also absorbed the winds and didn't allow them to move towards the Jashinists.

Both jutsus neutralized each other. The water fell down on the ground and spread slowly in all directions. Fujin's jutsu also raised a huge dust cover over the battlefield.

Seeing the opportunity, Fujin began forming a couple of Vacuum Bullets. He could sense their positions accurately. He was about to shoot out the Vacuum bullets when his eyes widened! He and the Uchihas immediately flickered away.

A fraction of a second after they flickered, dozens of blood drops passed through their previous location at a very fast speed! Fujin frowned, 'Shit! That bastard used the same tactic! And was faster than me too!'

Zankoku had the same idea as Fujin. He too used the chaos created by the two wide-range jutsus to sneak attack. Unfortunately, all the Konoha ninjas had very good senses. So his sneak attack didn't have any effect.

After flickering, Masaru weaved hand signs and slammed his hands on the ground.

'Earth Release: Ground Splitting Jutsu'

The ground in between them began cracking. As a result, all the water due to the earlier jutsu began draining into the ground. Fujin observed it and thought, 'Nice. Fighting a Lightning user over water would have been annoying.'

As soon as the water began draining, Akihiko weaved hand signs.

'Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears Jutsu'

Masaru's jutsu had loosened up the ground. Akihiko took advantage of it. Hundreds of stone spears began appearing on the ground. In an instant, they were launched at the Jashinists.

The faces of the Jashinists became grim. They realized, 'First that massive Wind Jutsu. Now back to back large-scale Earth jutsus. These guys aren't weak!'

Blood immediately began gathering around Zankoku.

At the same time, one of the Priests weaved hand signs and extended his arms forward.

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