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A/N if anyone has any ideas for things that could happen, let me know.

** Saturday 20 august 2016 - 7 weeks pregnant **

- Taylors Pov -

It's always bittersweet to leave Nashville. it's not my primary residence anymore, and I have work to do in New York, but it sucks to leave my mom. I've been toying with a few melodies for new music, so I'm going to be working on that while I also spend time trying to get to know Joe better.

I've made the decision to lay low until after the baby arrives, that includes not putting out new music. It's actually a good thing because the world still hates me at the moment, so I don't need to add fuel to the fire by being in the spotlight. It's better for me to stay out of it and let it blow over, then I will come back with all I have.

Some days I want to curl up and never step foot outside the house again because it hurts to know people basically want you dead, but I also can't let the snake's win. Kim and Kanye lied and planned this whole thing, the tricked me. But we will see who wins in the end, I'm not going down without a fight. Karma will win in the end; I have to believe that for the sake of my own sanity.

The front door opens, and I hear Joe come in. "Hi, I'm in the living room" I told my security that picked him up just to let him in. I'm not feeling too good so I'm not moving from the couch anytime soon.

My belly is bloated, I'm nauseous and my boobs ache. Whoever called it morning sickness can go fuck themself because this is an all-day hell for me. I just hope to god it goes away like the doctor said. I don't know if I can handle 32 more weeks of this throwing up thing.

Joe comes into view and lift my feet so he can put them in his lap before he starts to rub them. "It's good to see you again Taylor" he says and when he flashes me that dimple smile, I can't help but smile too. "You too. And that feels good, everything hurts" I groan as he keeps rubbing tender spots in my feet.

I didn't even ask him to do it, but he just did it anyway. I'm certainly not complaining because they ache.

"Was the flight okay?" I ask. I sent over my jet after it dropped me off so they could pick him up too. "Yes, thanks for sending your jet. You really didn't need too, but I appreciate it. I've never flied a private jet before, so it was really cool" he says.

"You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face" I sing in my head so he can't hear. I quickly grab my phone and write the line down in my notes just like I do whenever I get a lyric or melody.

When I lay my phone back on the table we sit in silence and continue to watch my greys anatomy re-watch. It's one of my two go to comfort shows, that, and friends. I don't know how many times I've watched them, and I won't admit it even if I knew.

One would think there would be awkward tension between us, but there really isn't. It's comforting sitting here with him, and him gently massaging my feet sends tingles all over my body. The attraction that was there on the night we made this baby is still there. I don't think it ever went away, and I think it was there from the first time we meet back in April, but I think I haven't noticed how strong it is these last couple weeks. We have been so overwhelmed by knowing we will be parents, and now when we have informed the people that need to know I can at least relax a little. Not to mention that it's comforting knowing that I won't be doing this alone.

"My brother is really excited to meet you. I didn't tell you, but he went to your concert last year with a group of friends. It was sort of this group date I think because he was 14 years old, and there were chaperones. I told him all about how nice you are and that you have two cats. actually my whole family wants to meet you because I couldn't shut up about you. I don't know if I have told you, but I like you for you, not for the media and work stuff. Just so you know, I'm here because you're a genuinely good person and I'm not after anything else" he says, and tears start to leak from my eyes.

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