spotted in nashville

763 39 28

** Thursday June 1st, 2017 - 8 weeks and four days old **

- Taylors Pov -

We arrive at the airport for Estelle's first time on a plane. I need to go to Nashville for some meetings and fittings, so Joe and Estelle are coming with me. We spent the morning at her two-month checkup and went straight here after stopping at Starbucks for some much-needed caffeine. I got a blended iced chai latte because it looked good on the menu.

Joe carries Estelle in her car seat onto the plane and I take my own backpack and Estelle's diaper bag. The crew makes sure the rest of our stuff are properly tucked away for a safe travel for us and the two security guards traveling with us. Brendon and grant have been two of my bodyguards for years and I trust them. They are both ex-marine and went into private security afterwards. I hire them through the security firm they work at, as well as the other people working security for me.

"It's good we had them install a car seat base here" Joe says when he attaches Estelle to the base on a seat next to the window and the two of us take seats opposite her. It's a four people seating and table, so it's perfect for our little family of three. I did also buckle in Estelle's diaper bag on the seat next to her to keep it close.

"Yeah, I want her to be safe on the jet. And sure we could use the basinet we got as well, the one that secures to the seat, but the car seat just seems better" and it also calms my mommy nerves to know she is safely buckled in and not just laying in a basinet. Since we have the car seat base its safe for her to sleep in the car seat too because of the positioning of her body.

Ever since I read about SID, sudden infant death, I've become paranoid about that stuff. It's a good thing to know about and be mindful about, but I think I went overboard with the research. Now I see potential situations all over the place and it's driving me nuts. The likelihood of a healthy baby dying of SID is very small, but it's still a risk if you don't follow the recommended guidelines. One of the risks I didn't know about was sleeping on their tummies. A baby sleeping on their tummy are almost 13 precent more likely to suffer from SID. That's terrifying to me. What about when baby starts to roll over and then can't flip back to their backs? Is that dangerous if they do that in the middle of the night and fall asleep again? How can I ever get a proper night's rest once she starts flipping around.

Of course when I first heard about these stomach things, I went on a deep dive into all the reasons why sleeping on their tummies is a bad idea. And it freaked me even more out. It apparently makes the baby more likely to rebreathe her own exhaled air, which can then turn into a buildup of carbon dioxide and lover oxygen level. That in turn and turn to suffocation. That's just one of the reasons why sleeping on their stomach is dangerous.

It took hours for me to read all about SID and I ended up in a huge panic attack that Joe had to calm down. He made me stop reading about it because it was driving me nuts.

"Ooooh" Estelle coos from her car seat pulling me out of my destructive train of thoughts. "That's so good baby Estelle. Oooooh. You're so good at talking to us, aren't you princess?" I coo her back. Talking to your baby is important for development, but I was doing that before she was even born, and I like talking to her. Joe seems to really enjoy it too, which is good.

"She is getting so big. I can't believe she has been here for two months already" Joe says and wrap an arm around my shoulders as we start to taxi to get ready for takeoff. Quickly I take the pacifier hooked to her car seat and make her suck on it to help with her ears. If it's painful for us adults, I can only imagine what it's like for such a tiny person.

Taking out his phone Joe takes a picture of Estelle sucking away on her pacifier in her car seat. "Her first time on a plane, it needs to be documented" he grins and take lots of pictures of both her and the two of us. I'm sure once we are in the air, he will make me pose with Estelle to take pictures of us together as well.

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