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** Saturday October 29th - 17 weeks pregnant **

- joes Pov -

"Ratatatatatatata" I hear and shoot up in bed just as the sound start again. I rub my eyes and turn to the side "what the fuck?"

Taylor is sitting up in bed and singing into her phone some random melody. What ratatata even means I have no fucking idea.

"Oh I didn't mean to wake you" she says and tuck her legs into a lotus position and looks wide awake.

"It's fine, but what are you doing? Shouldn't you be sleeping love?" I try to hold back my jawn, but when I check my phone, I see its 3 am, no one should be awake that early if they don't absolutely have to. I certainly wouldn't.

"I woke up and heard a melody in my head. It's totally normal for me, don't worry. Go back to sleep" she shrugs and put her phone back on the nightstand and before slipping under the covers again. "Come on slowpoke, cuddle time" she says as she pokes my side. 

I'm too tired to think right now so I lay back down and let her snuggle into my side. I spend my nights in her bed now, and she always ends up hugging me like a koala or we spoon. It's nice to share a bed with someone actually, it's been forever since I've done it. But my ex didn't want to cuddle  anyway so this is new. I happen to like it though; she is so warm and soft.

It doesn't take long before I hear her soft snores. They're so quiet that it doesn't interrupt my sleep at all. Apparently pregnant women can snore for some reason during pregnancy even if they don't do it normally. That's yet another thing I learned since I found out she is pregnant.

** the next day **

- Taylors Pov -

Even though I was up at 3am I get out of bed at 8am this morning. Joe is still sleeping but I'm too restless to sleep. I have heartburn and some of my joint's ache. I considered soaking in a hot bath, but it seems like a hassle at the moment.

I also want to listen to the voice note I took in the middle of the night. poor Joe isn't used to me grabbing my phone at all hours of the day to record stuff or write something down. It's part of my process of writing music and I love it because it helps keep the creative flow going. I'm not one of those artists that can set aside a certain time and write then, I write year-round all the time. I don't need to be in the studio or around fancy equipment to write music, it feels limiting. Even when I'm just humming a melody or something I use the basic sound recorder on my phone. I haven't even bought one of those fancy apps, I just use that boring one that comes with the iPhone because it works for my needs. Not to mention that it backs everything up to my cloud just in case something happened to my phone.

"They say I did something bad, then why's it feels so good?" I hum while I make my daily cup of coffee. You're not supposed to have too much caffeine during pregnancy, but one cup is perfectly safe. I have one of those fancy machines, so I make a latte with a dash of salt caramel sirup in it because I love the taste of that. Having different kinds of sirups on hand is clever because it gives you many more options to spice up your coffee. In my own apartment here in New York I have plenty of different kinds, but here I just took the salted caramel, vanilla and cinnamon dolce with me.

"What are you doing up so early love?" Joe says as he comes into the kitchen. He sleeps in his boxers but put one some sweats before he came downstairs just like I did. I've had to order some maternity clothes last week because the bands of my pants kept digging into my skin and the tops were getting uncomfortable. Not to mention that my boobs have grown out of my regular bras. I'm certainly not a A cup at the moment. For the first time in my life I've actually got big breasts. I'm sure they will grow more towards the end of my pregnancy, but they are decently sized already. They are also tender as hell, which sucks.

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