Too Colorful

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Wednesdays POV

As Lurch drives into the parking lot I see that Nevermore is decorated with welcome back signs. As if anyone wants to be back here. Pulling up to the main front doors. I spot Enid talking to Yoko. She is wearing sweatpants and a crop top. Her hair being tied back. While one earphone was in her ear. You could see the claw marks on her face from the last fight with Tyler. She looked as if she was just on a run.

Ever since Enid had changed into a werewolf it made her more active than usual. I liked it. No, I didn't like it I despised it.

Morticia: "Wednesday what are you staring at?" She says smirking.

Wednesday: "Nothing just planning my early funeral."

Morticia: "Very well then, but I feel that you have time to do that later. Now that we are here we must go place your things into your dorm. We will help you get settled in.

Gomez: "Anything for my little death trap."

I roll my eyes as I look back out the window seeing that Enid was gone. My parents slowly getting out of the car watching my father help my mother. I swear I have not seen them go one day without touching each other. Even looking at each other. I can't wait for them to leave. Lurch grabs my bags from the trunk. Handing them to me. I place my backpack on the top of the car indicating for thing to get inside. As he slips in I place the backpack on my shoulders as I start walking to my doom.

My mother, father, Lurch and Pugsley all following behind me. As we get inside I guide them to my dorm hoping Enid is not inside because I would not want her to have to deal with my very generous parents. I ask thing to hand me the key. He pops out placing it inside my palm. I click the key,turning the lock as the door opens abruptly. I suddenly find my eyes opened wide eyed as I am remembered the horrible color addiction my roommate has. Observing the room finding no one inside.

My family walks inside as we start to place my things down. As we are getting close to finishing Pugsley asks me a question.

Pugsley: "So, Wednesday who were you staring at."

Wednesday: "I believe that who I am staring at is my business and not yours so keep your concerned little brain elsewhere."

Pugsley: "So it was someone. I wonder who."

Wednesday: "None of your concern."

I watch as my parents make eye contact grinning from ear to ear. I wanted to throw up.

As I place my black silky bedding over my mattress I looked on my side realizing something was missing, and I know just exactly what it is. I grab the last medium sized bag placing it on the desk. I quickly take out the blade from inside my trench coat and place it inside the drawer without my family members noticing.

I open the medium sized briefcase to reveal my typewriter. I take it out polishing it so that the black shines. I place it onto my desk adding the finishing touch. I take a step back to observe my side. I realize it looks just like how I left it. I turn around handing my parents the empty suitcases. They grab them and hand them off to Lurch. As Lurch goes back down to give us some privacy. I walk over to my bad placing my backpack off my shoulders to let thing out.

Thing scurries around the room and jumps onto Enids bed.

Gomez: "Looks like thing misses someone as well."

Wednesday: "I don't miss her she is a distraction. She will only get in my way. Nobody gets in my way."

Morticia: "I think the staring says otherwise."

I watch as my mother smiles. I give her a look as I turn around to hide that fact that I was now thinking about Enid Sinclair.

Pugsley: "Welp, I guess this is goodbye."

Wednesday: "I suppose it is. Now don't get sloppy on your fighting techniques and remember everything I taught you, understood."

Pugsley: "Yes, thank you sis." He said while hugging Wednesday.

Wednesday: "Pugsley don't push it."

As Pugsley slowly gets off my father comes up and places his arms around me. I am not able to escape his grasp as he wouldn't let me go. When he does he waves goodbye, now all I have left with is my mother to deal with.

Morticia: "Let's just hope Nevermore makes it as fun as last time. Also maybe even making some friends or even a relationship."

Wednesday: "I will never be in a relationship, I am not fit enough either to be in one. Nor would I want to be in one. Don't get your hopes up."

Morticia: "Oh I wasn't but I saw the way you were staring at whoever it was, you don't have to hide it Wednesday."

I stare at her. Maybe shes onto me. Quick change facial expression to emotionless. I quickly change my facial expression indicating I wasn't in the mood.

My mother came up to me placing a kiss on my cheek. She walked out smiling. I quickly ran to the bathroom and washed my face with water and soap just to get the touch off of my skin.

As I head back out and to my side I lay on my bed reading my favorite book. How to become a serial killer. As I was reading for a good ten minutes Thing crawls over and sits by my side. I hear the door rattle. I forward my gaze to the door as a colorful creature walks inside.

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