Dragons Secrets

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Wednesday POV

After we left I realized I forgot the key in my drawer. I ran back upstairs and grabbed the key out of my drawer. As I met back up with Enid I discussed the plan with her.

Wednesday: "We will tell Mrs. Janet we have to use the restroom then we will go to Walt's dorm, alright."

Enid: "Okay let's do this."

As me and Enid walked into class we sat next to each other. The bell rang shortly afterwards. Pushing the start button on our plan. When we were ten minutes into class I knocked on the table indicating to Enid that it was time. We both raised our hand as we put our things away.

Wednesday: "May me and Enid use the restroom."

Mrs Janet: "Sure, but be quick."

Me and Enid slid out of our chairs leaving our things there. I grabbed the flashlight out of my bag first then left. As we got into the hall me and Enid began to head for Walt's dorm. B14 315. That was the call number. As we made it to our destination I unlocked the door and we barged in. We were looking for the book, but we couldn't find anything. Then I had a suggestion.

Wednesday: "Enid what if the book is with Gabriel's body."

Enid: "It might be, and my werewolf senses can smell the body. It smells so bad, it's rotting."

I look up at Enid and smile as we both head over to Gabriel's bed. I get onto my knees and pull the body out from under the bed. As I do so I examine him. He's wearing his uniform, but it is torn up. I'm assuming that's from Walt. The body is wrapped in a clear bag and you can see all the blood dried up. He's been here a while. His fingers had a purple tint to them. You could see his bones form on his skin. I then noticed a key wrapped around his neck.

Wednesday: "Enid can you do me a favor and rip this bag open with your claws so I can get that key."

Enid: "Fine only because I really want to leave and this is so gross."

I watch as Enid bends down launching her claws out. I watch as she slowly rips a line on the clear bag giving me just enough space to pull the key off of his neck. As I begin to pull the key off of his head. I watch as his head moves. I step back as I see he's been decapitated.

Enid: "Oh my god that's so gross, I think I'm going to faint."

Wednesday: "Enid go be a lookout."

Enid: "Will do."

I grab the key off his neck. It doesn't say anything it's just a small key. It looks like it could unlock a box or something. I place the key in my pocket as I inspect under the bed using my flashlight. I spot a board that's unevenly placed. I push down on it as it comes ups. I stick my hand in the hole as I pick up a box with a lock on it. I place the box on the bed as I shove Gabriel's corpse back under the bed.

Enid: "Wednesday I hear footsteps we gotta go."

With that I grab the box off the bed. We run out of the room and back to Mrs Janet's class. As we arrive back to her class, luckily she doesn't notice us walk back inside. We sit back in our chair as I put the box inside my book bag. I place the key around my neck and tuck it under my uniform. To make it not visible to the human eye.

The bell rings shortly after. Me and Enid head out of class knowing that we will have a conversation later tonight.

5 hours later.

As our classes end I go back up to our room and see Enid sitting there holding a tray of food.

Wednesday: "Did you get dinner?"

Enid: "Yes I did because we need to unlock that box and discuss what we need to do after we find what's in it, no time to delay."

Wednesday: "Are you rubbing off on me."

Enid: "No I would never be like you. We are total opposite."

Wednesday: "One thing we can agree on. Also thank you for dinner. I go back to my desk as I open my book bag and place the box on the desk. I take the key off my neck and put it on top of the box. Enid places the food on my desk as well. I watch her as she goes to her side of the room to grab her chair. I hear the rolling of the chair as she comes up right next to me.

Enid: "So how was your day besides from pulling a corpse out from under the bed?"

Wednesday: "It was fine, are you ready to open the box."

Enid: "I'm scared."

Wednesday: "Its a box Enid."

Enid: "Do you know what's in it, no you don't."

Wednesday: "I know that's what makes it fun."

Enid gives me the face as I grab the key. I place it into the box and it roughly but finally opens the box up. I look into the box as I see a book called "Dragons Secrets" I pick it up as I read the call number "B14 315" That matches the call number.

Wednesday: "Sinclair this is the book."

Enid: "Perfect what does it say."

I open the book and flip the pages. I stop when I read it's powers. "For a dragon can do many things but one great talent is dream controlling. Dragons have the abilities to send the same dreams to different people without laying a hand on them or even looking at them. This dream could also indicate a warning."

Wednesday: "Enid, do you remember how we had that same dream right?"

Enid: "Yes the really weird one."

Wednesday: "Walt is the one behind it. Also the book says that it could be a warning."

Enid: "Your joking. I don't want to be hung as my death."

Wednesday: "I promise to you I won't let that happen trust me."

I watch as Enid gets closer to me and places her hand on my thigh. I feel my face get red as I turn my head back to the book. I can feel her staring at me. I hate the feeling of this so called blushing. I stand up from my chair and back away from Enid. Placing the book back in the box I lock it and throw it into my drawer along with the key.

Wednesday: "I'm going to take a shower. I will be out soon."

Enid: "Okay."

I head into the bathroom with a towel and clothes. I can feel Enid staring but I ignore it as I step into the bathroom locking the door. I run the water as I begin to undress. I unbraid my hair and step in. I let the water soak into my wound. It hurts but I like pain. I begin washing my hair with just the right amount of shampoo and conditioner. As I finish I step out and redress, drying my hair. I decide to leave my hair down. When in my pjs I exit the bathroom. Only when my eyes are met seeing Enid Sinclair sleeping on my bed.

The Angel and Devil (Wenclair)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن