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Wednesday POV

Me and Enid both turned our heads to stare at each other in utter confusion as to why someone would be at our door this late.  

Wednesday: "I'm going to see who it is."

Enid: "Be careful please."

I slowly lifted my body away from Enid as I headed for the door. As I got closer I heard two familiar voices. I annoyingly opened the door to see.

my parents.

Morticia: "Gomez I told you to be quie-. Hello my dear."

Wednesday: "May I ask why your rotten souls are here at this deadly hour of the night?"

Gomez: "Oh please Wednesday no complimenting yet now, we have only just got here."

Wednesday: "Why are you here."

Morticia: "We have a surprise."

I look back at Enid who is intensely staring and listening to our conversation. I turn back to face my attention back to my parents.

Wednesday: "And what would that be."

Morticia + Gomez: "Your coming home with us for a few days and you can bring Enid!"

Enid: "Oh my gosh Seriously!"

I watched my mother nod. Making Enid run over from the bed and darting towards my parents pulling them into a hug. I just watch as I hold the door open beginning to feel uncomfortable. I step away from the door closing it on all three of them leaving them outside the dorm. 

I hear the door knob turn as I quickly walk over to my desk acting as if I didn't do that.

Enid: "Really Wednesday, be nice this will be fun."

Morticia: "Yes my dear you should really listen to your roommate."

Gomez: "How about we start lying out how we are going to do this and when we leave."

Wednesday: "Please do so. I am tired and new my sleep."

As my parents explained the rules to me, telling us that we leave in 1 day. Indicating not a lot of time. Great. As they finish up explaining Enid gives them a hug. They try to come to me but I just stand there as my mother blows me kisses and my father blows me a kiss. Disgusting. They finally walk out leaving me and Enid by ourselves.

Enid: "Well I can't wait to see your house. I'm going to pack now."

Wednesday: "I suppose I shall do the same."

I walk over to my bed and pull out my luggage as Enid does the same. Placing it onto the bed undoing the zipper I throw it open. Rummaging through my closet I neatly fold a few clothes inside because we are going to my house, so all I need are my essentials really. Enid throws her clothes inside her bag, not a care in the world if they get wrinkled.  As she tries closing her suitcase I notice it wont shut because she has thrown far too many clothes inside.

Wednesday: "Enid, Enid, you have far to many clothes in there."

Enid: "Well I don't have a bigger suitcase so, I will have to make it work."

Wednesday: "Or you dont."

Enid: "What are you talking about?"

Wednesday: "You may borrow some of my clothes if you would like to."

I watch as Enid looks into my eyes with a smile appearing on her face.

Enid: "No way."

Wednesday: "Do not make me change my mind."

Enid: "Never."

I got back over to my side finishing packing up and eventually zipping my luggage up. Letting out a heavy sigh I rub my eyes as I feel myself get way more tired than before. I feel as Enid notices this and she comes over to me.

Enid: "You look a little exhausted, your eyebags look more heavy than usual. Go get some rest."

Wednesday: "Enough flirting but, thank you."

I feel Enid's hand get placed onto my upper back as she helps me get to bed. Grabbing the blankets I pull them down and hop inside. I pull them back over me as Enid stands over me staring at me. 

Wednesday: "What."

Enid: "Oh nothing you're just really pretty."

I feel my face heat up at this comment. I began to grasp the sheet under the covers because I was getting sweaty. I was hoping to hide it from her but somehow she noticed. She placed her hand on my chin and put her mouth by my ear.

Enid: "Goodnight Addams." She says in a seductive yet whispery tone.

I shutter at her whisper as she lets go of my face and walks away turning the lights off and heading into her bed as well. My body is still comprehending what just happened. I began getting more sweaty as I threw my covers off of me. Sadly this girl has me wrapped around her finger when I should be the finger she's wrapped around.

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