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Wednesday POV

I begin to open my tired eyes slowly, as I got to pick up my arm to read the time. I couldn't move my arm. I look down to Enid laying on top of me. I stare at her face admiring her features and her blonde hair. I put my face down to smell her hair. Smells like cotton candy at a carnival. Not surprising. I stay perfectly still because I don't want to wake her up but I also need to know the time. Move my arm that's under her. I feel my arm touching her stomach. I quickly rip my arm out and check my watch. It's 6:30 and school starts as 8:05.

The blonde starts to move gripping my shirt more and pulling her closer to my body. She moves her face up towards mine and buried her face into my neck. I feel my face grow hot as I sit there not moving. I can hear her faint breathing in my ear. Making my face turn into a tomato. As I am sitting there I spot thing sitting on the ground staring at me.

Thing: "So Enid couldn't sleep last night so I told her to sleep with you."

Wednesday: "Once she lets me go your dead."

Thing: "Okay but you'll thank me late."

Wednesday: "Also Thing can you set and alarm for 7:30."

He gives a thumbs up as he goes to Enid's phone and sets an alarm. I look back down at the blondes hair as I slowly lean on her head and drift off to sleep.

1 hour later..

Enids POV

I wake up to the noise of an alarm. I don't move as I realize that I have hands wrapped around my waist and a head leaning on me. My face is buried into her neck. I move slowly out of her neck as I look up at her. She's still sleeping. I hear scurrying and turn my head to see thing turning the alarm off.

Thing: "So how did you sleep."

Enid: "I slept good and by the way thanks."

Thing: "No Problem."

I turn my head down towards my waist seeing that Wednesdays hands are laying there. I move her hands gently off of me. I didn't want Wednesday to realize I slept with her. I slowly move off her bed undoing the covers. As I get off I pull the covers back onto her. I walk over to my side of the room to mess up my bed and make it look like I was sleeping in it.

Wednesday: "Enid."

I turn my head to stare at the girl.

Enid: "Good morning and what."

Wednesday: "I know you slept with me."

Well shit...

Enid: "What are you talking about I slept in my bed."

Wednesday: "Enid are you lying to me right now."

Enid: "Maybe, and what are you gonna do about it."

I watched as I know I shouldn't have said that. I run over to the corner of my room as I watch Wednesday get up and walk towards me.

Enid: "Wednesday I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

I get closer to the corner as she approaches me. Wednesday grabs my triceps and drags me towards my bed. She throws me onto the bed. Wednesday begins to climb on top of me as she tries to pull something out of her pants. Luckily I grab her wrist stopping her. My werewolf strength is helping me with this. I take Wednesday and flip her over to where I'm on top. I pin her hands above her head a straddle her.

Wednesday: "I know you slept with me because you woke me up."

I stay there staring at Wednesday realizing what kind of position we are in right now. I feel my have begin to turn red as I see hers turn red also.

Wednesday: "Enid why did you sleep with me?"

Enid: "Why didn't you kick me off."

With that Wednesday pushes her hips up and flips me forward off of the bed. I hit my back on the ground. I lay there as I watch Wednesday walk around and stare at me.

Wednesday: "Enid you never answered my question."

Enid: "You didn't answer mine either."

Wednesday got on her knees and came closer to my face. As I laid there I watched her get closer. I felt my face heat up. I watched as Wednesday went to something in her pocket. I quickly sat up.

Enid: "Fine I'll tell you just don't do anything."

I watch as she takes her hands away from her pants and stands up hovering over me. I sit in a cross-cross applesauce position.

Enid: "I couldn't sleep and Thing noticed so he told me to sleep with you and I didn't want you to notice because I knew you would kill me."

Wednesday: "Okay."

I watched as Wednesday walked away. She went to her desk and sat in her chair. She began to type on her typewriter.

Enid: "No we're not done you have to answer my question."

I stare at her as she ignores me. I get up and walk over to her chair. As I reach her chair I spin her to face me. I put my hands on the arm rests and lean in. I watch as Wednesdays face turns red.

Enid: "Now why didn't you push me off?"

Wednesday: "I have to find that book."

Wednesday pushed me away and grabbed her shoes.

Wednesday: "If you want to come then let's go."

Enid: "Fine but I'm going to get a answer out of you."

We both walk out and head to Walt's dorm.

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